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xRaVeRx September 3rd, 2003 10:39 PM

what are YoU wearin to FITS!??!
Jus wonderin what ppl are wearin...:)

CareSieB September 4th, 2003 12:08 AM

i have an all pink care bear outfit and a purple and black super sexay outfit, cant decide which to wear to which party quite yet....

KandieRav5r September 4th, 2003 01:56 AM

where the carebear outfit

tikachu September 4th, 2003 04:38 AM

absolutely NOTHING ;)

actually, going pretty plain as UFO's, yellow goodfellaz shirt, black bandana....say hi! :)

p.s. - im the one that brings the HUGE american flag, for those who dont know me...dont confuse me with the style biters though, look for the huge flag front and center of the stage :D

dianejapa September 4th, 2003 08:31 AM

look for me.... i'm not releasing the details of my mega cool outfit to anyone but my closest friends, but i will tell you other than my candy i'll be entirely in black and purple... purple wig too if things go as planned..... lol, i'm being all secretive like its super important. i'm silly :)

itsgigglegirl September 4th, 2003 09:44 AM

All i can say is so good :)

DJ Saiyan September 4th, 2003 09:59 AM

i think im gonna wear clothes.


clothes. hehe.

kandeegirl2 September 4th, 2003 10:41 AM

at this point, unless i get my nimble fingers sewing we're goin in i don't know what.....but the plan is, jesse and i are wearing matching outfits *(even tho we're not together)* ........flame fire short pants, *fires in teh sky :)*hehehe and white button down dress shirts w/ flame fire ties.
plus candy :)

neverlandgurl September 4th, 2003 11:20 AM

damn i have black vinyl pants with flames up the sides...those would have been apropo......but i can' good :p

*KanDie~AnGeL* September 4th, 2003 01:28 PM

for me... something bright... and colorful.... and plus my spike collar.... i never leave home with out it.... :D

xRaVeRx September 4th, 2003 05:12 PM

well, im not sure what im wearin...BUT I WILL HAVE A YELLOW FUN-FUR VIZOR:D IT SAYS *BeatFreaks* on it:)
I jus bought it off eBay:lol:

so say hi, if you see:)

Rocky_G September 4th, 2003 05:19 PM

A hangover.

4am September 4th, 2003 05:20 PM

Originally posted by MC 2-CB
hmmmmm undecided me and kandikidd had a plan to wear
matching sweater vests cept mine will be white hers will be red..
or i'm gonna wear one of my button up shirts white and baby blue
checkered and a pair of baby blue cargos and as always the
ecko visor woot woot oh and kandi galore of course

Dawwww, disgustingly cute matchingness

Speaking of matching, myself and about 10 other people are planning on all matching, but I can't say the rest of the details, cides, you'll be able to spot us :D

4am September 4th, 2003 05:34 PM

You won't

until it's too late


neverlandgurl September 4th, 2003 05:47 PM


Toye September 4th, 2003 05:48 PM

Defiantly my funk-outfit. :D

Leopard fun-fur pants, mesh button-up black t-shirt, bright orange hunter's cap, and uh.. yeah thats it. :D

4am September 4th, 2003 05:50 PM

Damn girl, I just took of my face at Hulla and now you want me to do it again?

A man can only do so much!

neverlandgurl September 4th, 2003 05:51 PM

then i guess i'll settle for a bunny buddy hug then :)

4am September 4th, 2003 06:11 PM

*phew* :)

neverlandgurl September 4th, 2003 06:17 PM

lol when was the last time you sent me love???^^^

4am September 4th, 2003 06:18 PM


*flicks the light on and off*
Fight fight fight!

*MoonDancer* September 4th, 2003 07:25 PM

Sad to say i dont think i have time to make an outfit for this hulla :(
Oh well.. Ill pull out something i havent worn in a while then :)

objectiview711 September 5th, 2003 12:49 PM

ill be wearing dynamichalfduos shoes n sox

that is all

Snoop e September 5th, 2003 10:51 PM

^^^ :lol:

i will be wearin all orange :D

DanielJ September 6th, 2003 06:08 AM

why do you all wear such stupid clothes, and whats with all that candy crap?

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