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lightshow January 27th, 2004 11:47 PM

Who Likes Getting/Giving Light Shows?
I myself love giving light show If anyone wants one please ask I'll be more than happy to.

itsgigglegirl January 28th, 2004 12:29 AM

i think a better question is: who doesn't??

i love em...and if i were going i'd hit you up...have fun sweetheart :D

JaMGiRL January 28th, 2004 12:33 AM

awwwe it sucks that you aren't going :( And on lightshows... definatly giving them... but not so much getting them. I don't think i am ever messed enough to get all caught up in a light show... (this is robably a good thing too hehe )

TrYpPy January 28th, 2004 03:00 AM

itsgigglegirl : :(

As for lightshows...I don't consider myself any good really hehe but I usually get asked quite a bit to give them. I don't mind :) It's good exercise.

GlowRaver4184 January 28th, 2004 03:16 AM

i love givin them, i am rarely messed up enough to enjoy getting them.

I havent touched a glowstick in about 2 yrs so I'm abit rusty, but its kinda like ridin a bike, first time back on your a bit shakey, a few more times and your throwin down killer moves.

I'm brushin up for the 7th so if i feel i can represent then you'll see me throwin down. Don't worry you'll know who I am ;=) my buddy will prolly be right next to me, so just come up to us and we will be more than willing to give a light show!

orbz January 28th, 2004 04:23 AM

Originally posted by itsgigglegirl
i think a better question is: who doesn't??

i love em...and if i were going i'd hit you up...have fun sweetheart :D

I don't like em at all... I dunno I think to enjoy one I'd have to be in a way different state of mind (and vision) than I've ever been when I've received one...
but maybe I just haven't gotten a good enough one?
I try to make "open minded" the theme of my life so if anyone wants to try to impress me, I'm game :p like anything, I'd love to be able to enjoy it... I just dont

JaMGiRL January 28th, 2004 11:19 AM

It is always funny when you are giving someone a lightshow though, and their eyes go crossed and droll rolls down their chin! Hehehe wait... not thats gross :)

itsgigglegirl January 28th, 2004 12:17 PM

jamgirl and tryppy: you guys will be sorely SORELY missed...have lots of fun for me tho!!! and if you can make it, there's a great party in rochester, NY on february 28th that you should really consider hitting up if you're all about trips to the states :)

P_Euphoria January 28th, 2004 01:36 PM

Yayyyy! I love lightshows... :D sometimes it's hard to get into them though when you're not really feeling the high and you're gatting it... but you should enjoy it politely anyway and say thank you!
It's mannerz kandy kidz! And if you dont want one anymore you just simply say "hey can i try that!?" lol But trust me... you'll want one...coz that meanz u made a new lightshow friend. And who doesn't want a new lightshow friend... I want one!

lightshow January 28th, 2004 03:36 PM

I've seen peoples eyes do some crazy things while giving a light show. although it is gross it just shows that your doing a good job or its that the person is really messed up.

Toye January 28th, 2004 04:18 PM

I HATE light shows, giving or receiving. I think they are ridiculous, I don't even like glowsticks that much themselves. I might play around with 'em for a few minutes at a party but thats about it.

I've only ever been impressed by one glowsticker and that was at Club Aria in Montreal. He was doing backflips and pushups and crazy ass flips while twirling glowsticks on long strings, it was pretty insane, nothing I've ever seen anyone even come close to attempting anywhere else, bought him a water and everything for proving me wrong about all glowstickers being all show and no skill. : p

itsgigglegirl January 28th, 2004 04:56 PM

^^^oooh aria...good club, pretty expensive the few times i've been tho...but a good time nonetheless

The best lightshows by far that I've received were from Little B, from colorado...he's only been to one hulla (July 2003) but he was absolutely amazing...The only time i've sat still at a party for more than a few seconds was while he was giving sunny and i a lightshow, that must have lasted through at least 2 or 3 tracks...He did tricks on strings and was just all around freaking awesome....*swoon* COME BACK LITTLE B!!!!! :D

neverlandgurl January 28th, 2004 05:57 PM

little B does rock my socks...i'm doing everything in my power to get him to the 7 year anniversary hulla
find me, find him, be amazed

happyhat January 28th, 2004 07:23 PM

Glowsticks :confused: You bunch of light-weights ;)
You guys should try some extra bright LED lights

Hi lightshow. I'd like to see your work
just don't hurt me with the sticks :D

lightshow January 28th, 2004 07:40 PM

i mostly only use led lights but i've been told im pretty good with the glowsticks i've only been doing it for about a year and a half but i practiced with several different kinds of lights and tried to master each one. the only thing i cant do is use the strings with glowsticks. there are way better than me but just ask me and i'll do my best to impress

dianejapa January 28th, 2004 09:12 PM

i always just bring my little led lights. they save you a few bucks every party instead of buying sticks each time. im okay, i enjoy it tho... lightshows make me nauseous if im too messed up.

Kamehameha January 29th, 2004 01:07 PM

I dont like watching lightshows...just doing them for people.

I used to be f'ing awesome at them, but now im getting a little bit rusty.
So anyone who likes watching them, ask me! I need the practice. :)

itsgigglegirl January 29th, 2004 04:24 PM

^^^I thought you were really good at NYE sweetheart...and didn't you make someone pass out? ;) **heart**

perry461 January 29th, 2004 04:47 PM

I'm just learning to glowstick....I enjoy both, but I've been practicing like everyday since Sunny D to try and get really good for Hulla...I'm open to any suggestions and/or hints if you want. I shouldn't be too hard to find, I'll be wearing baggy black jeans and a purple and green jersey.

chipakapockets January 29th, 2004 04:49 PM

Light shows!! Yesss!! Light shows!! I love them!!! I love gicing them, and getting them. Oh, such wonderful things. :) Glowsticks are the stuff of gods!

Who likes poi??



happyhat January 29th, 2004 06:29 PM

Actually they now have battery powered glow sticks
at Wal-Mart

Go get yours while supplies last
Batteries sold seperatly :)

JaMGiRL January 29th, 2004 08:59 PM

wal-mart eh??? theres a wal-mart right across from my work... I may just have to go and spend more money hehehe :P

kneeling January 30th, 2004 02:07 PM

whose gonna give me a light show *pouts* I so wan't one.. :)

perry461 January 30th, 2004 03:47 PM

I'll try....I'm not like amazing or anything but I'm working on it...

JaMGiRL January 31st, 2004 12:49 AM

Its the best when someone gives you a light show from the front and someone also stands behind you also giving you one by passing the glowstix in front of you... I have done some like that before... its fun :)

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