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stargurl November 11th, 2001 10:21 PM

Pictures from Turn up the Music!
clickity click

35mm pictures to follow

bowzer November 11th, 2001 11:37 PM

nice ;)
i'll post mine shortly. hehe

elixir November 12th, 2001 12:46 AM

Nice pics!.. mind if I use some of those on my site ;)

*MoonDancer* November 12th, 2001 01:31 AM

I cant see the darn pics cuz my firewall computer is dumb :(
SOMEONE POST SOME NICE ONES!! Maybe i can see em if you put em on another site and repost them!!

stargurl November 12th, 2001 03:21 AM

As long as you give me a linkity link, go ahead :)

teknoprincess November 12th, 2001 03:49 AM

Those pics are awesome hun :) Good job. :)'re so photogenic ;) Hehe. WE HAVE TO CHILL AGAIN SOON. Damn stupid having no time at Hulla stupidness. :P meh.

anabolic frolic November 12th, 2001 12:31 PM

Elixir - High Priest of the Church of Hulla

imlookingthroughyourwindo November 12th, 2001 04:11 PM

wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo im in one of the picturessssssssss barely but im in it!!!!

KarmicKande November 12th, 2001 05:21 PM

there are a LOT of pics on that site.

they are all awesome.

teknoprincess November 12th, 2001 06:54 PM

here's me and my little sister...(I'm on the left with the white headband) was her first party! :) hehehe *thanks to Andrew for the pic!! hehe*

Nubbie November 12th, 2001 07:43 PM

My evil sex obsessed older brother wants me to take him to a party sometime...

But I know what I'm capable of.

If pHryL ever throws another party around here, thats where he's going... he's all about the carnal pleasure ;)


KarmicKande November 12th, 2001 07:56 PM

pfff... at least your siblings like the music.

cuz mine dont. wankers.

'turn off that shitty rave music!'

Bean November 12th, 2001 09:27 PM

Hi Aimée!

Your pics are awesome!

I like how your pics focus on the party.. how they capture its mood... and how the pics aren't "posed".

Great job



.:. Share what you know, learn what you don't .:.

teknoprincess November 12th, 2001 09:28 PM

I got her hooked on HHC when I was playing it on the computer...I was playing Techno Wonderland and she is obsessed with it.

"I like the cute happy songs." <--- she said this. So cute.

kittie_kat November 12th, 2001 11:03 PM you remember me..we were standing next to each other up frongt for the longest time..i was the chick with the happy face top

teknoprincess November 12th, 2001 11:51 PM

OMFG ya I remember you!

I was bitching to everyone cuz I forgot your name!!! :) How are ya???

Do you have ICQ?

bowzer November 12th, 2001 11:56 PM

Anyone have a place to host roughly 10megs of pictures? :)

kittie_kat November 12th, 2001 11:57 PM

lol..didn't you go by little d o something?? i dunno..but yeah..i have noo icq..i may go download it soon cuz none of the trionto kids have aol im...e mail me if ya want though

~*~MUNEDUST~*~ November 14th, 2001 02:24 AM

These are my pics......

RiCh November 14th, 2001 02:30 PM

Awesome pics Munedust!!! Look forward to talking to you again!!! Take care!


KWIK November 14th, 2001 11:04 PM

here are a couple pics my friend gave me, thought i would share ;)

e-by-gum chillin with the kwik

on the mic

crowd shot

sorry thats all i have...


~*~MUNEDUST~*~ November 15th, 2001 09:31 PM


Hey...the only visable faces in that last pic are me, trev and ray.......

ScRuNcH-E November 16th, 2001 12:57 AM


bowzer November 16th, 2001 01:01 AM

I still have 150 pictures i could post, i just dont have the space anywhere :(

bowzer November 18th, 2001 01:26 PM

I posted my pictures on xvi.
you need to be a member to view them though (registration is free, and its good website). after you've logged in, goto the picture page. all my pictures are in people, assorted, djs, friends together and crowds.

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