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Klubmasta Will January 7th, 2000 01:17 PM

hello fellow message boarders!

here's the deal. the traffic on this board has EXPLODED recently and because of this, we're gonna take this opportunity to remind everyone about a few simple guidelines of *message board etiquette*. hopefully, this will reduce the amount of *spam* on the board and make it easier to find the more interesting topics.

i know, i know. rules suck. and yes, very few other raver message boards are as strict as we are when it comes to stuff like this. but there are almost 2,400 registered users of this board and we probably get more traffic than every other toronto raver message board COMBINED. that's why we have to enforce a few guidelines. we're not trying to restrict your right to express yourself. we're simply trying to keep the peace and keep the message board interesting for everyone.

so, here is a list of *guidelines* that we hope people will respect and follow. if you have any comments about these guidelines or if you would like to add your own suggestions, then please do so by replying on this thread.


with the insane volume of messages that this board gets nowadays, it is crucial that you give your threads an accurate and descriptive title. titles such as "guess what?" and "i wanna tell you something" really don't serve any kinda purpose at all. try to tell people what the point or purpose of your thread is ... that way, you'll help people to decide whether they want to read it or not.

and you should never put "PLEASE READ" in your title unless the situation warrants it.


there are no points earned for starting a new thread. if you want to respond to something that you read in a thread, then do so by posting a reply, not by starting a new thread.


this is a message board. it is NOT a chatroom. there is a BIG difference. if you have a message for john, then send it to john via email or icq. or phone him. please don't post messages like "hey john, call me" or "hey john, i met you last week, do you remember me?" cuz those messages are for john's eyes only and should therefore be sent to john by email or icq. if you want to find someone's email address, you can do so by clicking on the icons located above that user's messages. if you want to praise john in public by posting a message to tell us about something that he did, then that's fine ... at least those messages can be interesting to read. but it's disrespectful to the rest of us if you use the message board to send personal messages that are of no interest to anyone else.


please don't start messages about other parties in the "general" forum of the board. there is an "other events" forum set up specifically so that people can discuss other parties. there is a password and a set of rules for the "other events" forum so if a promotor or another interested person wants to start a thread talking about another party, all they have to do is send an email to either frolic or myself and we'll give out the password and the rules. the only reason we set up the password system is to prevent people from starting multiple threads about the same party and to ensure that promotors know the rules before posting in that forum.

you may think it's harsh that we don't allow messages about other parties in the "general" forum, but if we didn't have this rule, then the entire general forum would be overrun with party ads. trust me on this. that's the reason why frolic felt the need to set up an "other events" forum in the first place.


there are no prizes for having the most posts. if you want to gain the respect of your peers, then you do so by writing intelligent, insightful messages, not by having a two word response to every single message on the board. this is not to say that you shouldn't *bump* important threads back to the top of the board. sometimes a *bump* post can be extremely important.

and this is not to say that we don't LOVE witty and silly replies. we're just asking that you exercise a little moderation. that's all.


hullabaloo is supposed to be a place where everyone feels welcome. so please don't post messages that you know will offend or make others feel unwelcome or stupid. this is NOT to say that there shouldn't be arguments and disagreements on this board. heck, if everyone got along 100% of the time, this board would turn downright boring. so please ... argue and debate until your fingers fall off. all we're asking is that you have some respect as you do so. if you disagree with someone's opinion, then say that and give your reasons why. it only serves to weaken your argument if you throw personal insults into the mix. in my opinion, if you have to resort to childish name-calling, then you've already lost the argument.


this message board was originally set up to talk about hullabaloo, rave-related topics, and certain non-rave issues that are of particular interest or importance. sure, it's fun to see the occasional "what's your favourite food" or "what's your favourite cartoon" kinda thread. but when those types of threads are actually drowning out the rave-related topics, that's when they start to get annoying. so, if you love the useless threads, that's fine. just please exercise a little moderation.

that's about it. oh ya, and let's try to cool it with the "who's from london/buffalo/etobicoke/scarborough/north york/etc." type posts. there are simply way too many of them. we'll allow the threads that are already established to keep going, but we're gonna close any new ones.

if everyone exercises just a little bit of discretion and respect, then there's no reason why this message board can't continue to be the same great place for exchanging ideas and meeting friends that it has always been.

i hope this message will not scare away newer members from posting. we LOVE reading messages from new members. and these guidelines are not nearly as harsh as they may seem when you first read them. so please, don't be shy. we're really very nice people.

peace love unity respect,

Klubmasta Will
(aka the Message Board Nazi)

ProdigyBoy January 7th, 2000 01:28 PM

agree with all of that except that msg baord nazi thing again.

Cameron Bay.

*TaLeEn* January 7th, 2000 01:29 PM


oh my fuck, I remember when I first registered and der was 0nly like 300!

Will...I kn0w da rules! Im never bad, am I?

cuggE January 7th, 2000 01:31 PM

will, you should find sum UBB thingy that'll automatically post that message every 2 months...

opps. that sounds kinda bitter and angry

i meant it as a joke, cause the board seems to go outta control about that often... so

[This message has been edited by cuggE (edited 01-07-2000).]

Boots January 7th, 2000 01:31 PM

What about eliminating people that reply with nasty messages? I know that everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but some individuals are just plain rude.

*~*~*ChEEr BeAR!*~*~* January 7th, 2000 01:43 PM



plurette January 7th, 2000 02:20 PM

aww memories of when we first came up wiff these guidlines...

i agree wiff cuggE,
the problems reside that ppl dun read the rules and shit when they agree go register, they just scroll down and hit "i agree" or whatever "i've read" blah blah


*Myrana* January 7th, 2000 02:24 PM

I blame Electric Circus :P

Will, this board is a candy kid heaven, every twinkie in the Toronto rave scene with internet access comes to this board! That is why a bunch of us go to ravah now... it is way too busy here and there are way too many useless, ponitless, and stupid threads!!

I will always love this board, I have been posting here for a long long time... but you gotta admit, it has gone WAY too commercial!

hehe, a messege board gone commercial

~*SaWa*~ January 7th, 2000 02:26 PM

will- I don't want anybody else, when i think bout you i touch myself ooohhh i don't wany anybody else oh no oh no oh no


ps- joke

fr00tl00p January 7th, 2000 02:48 PM

you know will,
I seem to remember already seeing a thread like this


Santa-Mike January 7th, 2000 03:06 PM

I come on the hullaboard to see in anybody has come up with anything interesting and what do I find?? A little message from Will telling all the little Candy Kids to stop messing around...

I luv how with every new member recently the IQ of the board drops another point...

*shakes head*

I liked it the way it was... now... meh.

fr00tl00p January 7th, 2000 03:08 PM

Don't get me started on IQ, the useless piece of junk.


~*Pyrovitae*~ January 7th, 2000 03:22 PM

A'ight *stop*...collaborate & listen, Will is back with a brand new edition. Something...grabs ahold of me tightly, flow like a harpoon daily & nightly. Will it ever stop? Y0, I dunno.
Light up the stage & wax a chump like a candle, *Dance*. Hook up the speakers that *b00m*, I'm filling your brain like a poisionous mushroom. Deadly. Anything less than the best is a felony. *Dance*.

If there's a problem, Y0, he'll solve it, check out the hook while my dj revolve it.

Will, Will, baybee~!



ProdigyBoy January 7th, 2000 03:24 PM

thanx mike..
nice to hear what u think of all of us.
il rember that.

Cameron Bay.

cuggE January 7th, 2000 03:31 PM

haha, i agree with mike

RaaVeN January 7th, 2000 03:33 PM

i agree some people do need to exercise some moderation and intelligence when starting threads and posting, etc....this has happened before and it will happen again like others have already said


[This message has been edited by RaaVeN (edited 01-07-2000).]

Klubmasta Will January 7th, 2000 03:45 PM

i'm quite happy with the content of the hullaboard. i think there's lots of interesting topics being discussed and, for the most part, people are treating each other with respect.

i do NOT think the problems are being caused by the newer members of the board. most of the newer members have been making very interesting contributions. sometimes they slip up cuz they don't know the rules, but once they learn, they respect the way the board is run.

on the contrary, a lot of the problems are being caused by the more bitter, jaded members of the board. i'd much rather read a message from a newcomer saying how much he or she enjoyed a recent party and how much the rave scene is affecting his or her life then i would a nasty reply telling that person that plur is bullshit and the rave scene sucks now. people need to remember how they felt when they first joined the "rave scene". stop raining on people's parades. if someone is happy, why would you want to tear them down and make them feel stupid? there are ways of getting your point across without demeaning other people. this is, in my opinion, one of the most valuable skills you can ever learn.

Klubmasta Will

ps. thanks for the song, nat, heh.

[This message has been edited by Klubmasta Will (edited 01-07-2000).]

~*Pyrovitae*~ January 7th, 2000 03:50 PM

*I* have the same IQ as Charles Darwin:Þ

Agreed that I personally, would like to see more relevant and intelligent posts on here....and *not* see them bumped by threads like "owwie, canker sores *really* hurt". I couldn't believe it when I saw that...I mean, not to be cruel...but *come on.*

<shakes head>

Bein' silly is *fun*, but as infamous dj Subsonic Chronic once said:

"I can't live in telle-tubbie land 24-7."


Natalie <---that's *ms* sexy psychotic schizoid crackwhore ~BITCH~ to you...:Þ>

MuFFiN January 7th, 2000 04:40 PM

hehehe this again?

*shoots self in head*

I like how you guys asume will was yelling at candy kids

I like half the rave scene automaticly blames candy kids for everyhting.

candy kids the all purpose solution when you actually don't want to think about whats going on in your life.

MuffyD- d stands for damn candy kids

~*Pyrovitae*~ January 7th, 2000 04:54 PM

Personally, I wasn't pertaining to candy kids...

But to anyone who doesn't use their mind to their fullest ability. To those who get caught up in frivolity, and want to be cutesy in *all the time*. Despite if it's called for or not.

To those that don't think or feel deeply about anything at all. And if they do, they don't express it.

*That's* what I'm talking about


Natalie <---I gotta get back to work...sheesh...

^ENIGMA^ January 7th, 2000 05:19 PM

No offence but most of you allready broke the rulles by posting somthing stupid to this thread (me included)

Klubmasta Will January 7th, 2000 05:29 PM

not really.

1. their responses are *bumping* the thread to the top of the board.

2. silly and funny replies are fine. it's more the increase in silly new *topics* and *threads* that we're concerned about.

Klubmasta Will

poohchik January 7th, 2000 06:37 PM

what if I went on a *bumping* rampage and bumped all the posts I like up to the top going back days or even months (I am pretty picky)would that be against board regulations?

me-shell January 7th, 2000 09:29 PM

I agree with Nat....nice song hun!!

This board is pretty good, compared to other boards I've been on. Just going outta hand with pointless threads, but nothing serious.
Those rules look good to me!

lub michelle

*Myrana* January 8th, 2000 12:27 AM

I think will is kissing some newbie ass


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