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Old February 1st, 2000, 11:43 PM   #63
Klubmasta Will
Join Date: Jul 2000
Location: Centre of the Universe

a lot of people are being downright NASTY to each other on this board. this is a message to them.

consider this a warning. we are tired of putting up with your shit. either start having more respect for the other members of this board or we will be closing out your memberships.

if you don't like someone, then that's your business. DO NOT start fights on this board though cuz the rest of us don't need to see that kind of crap.

there are ways of getting your point across without resorting to personal insults. learn to argue the MERITS of your side. if you have to resort to childish name-calling, then you've already lost the argument.

PLEASE have some more respect. your *bad-ass* attitudes are not impressing anyone. you are making yourselves look like asses and you are ruining this message board.

it is only a handful of people that are posting all of this hateful shit, but they are infecting the entire message board with their crap. please grow the f*ck up and have a little more respect for the rest of us.

Klubmasta Will
(just a lil frustrated. can you tell? )
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