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Old November 29th, 1999, 02:37 PM   #78
Join Date: May 1999
Location: london/ toronto
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whoa. that was emotional...
one year ago to the day, raves scared me. this subsonic chronic guy from my residence ends up with two extra tickets to 'rush hour' and i sorta wanted him... you know
i told his roomate, "i'll go, but only if you go too. and you can't leave me by myself for a second!" one year ago this weekend, my life changed completely.

most of my favorite memories from the past year are concentrated in what sprang from that night. every sense is on fire at your first party, i think.

i can't list everything. I just tried it didn't work) DIY NYE carries my best memories. without that experience i could not have appreciated the scene, it's community and our music even half as much as i do because of it. Will, i still have the umbrella from our drinks at kilo. yesterday i drove past the hospital where we took the boy who slipped on the ice, and i smiled. Pete, i remember everything about the moment you told me you loved me. luka, janna and gollum combined with will and pete- i look at our scene and hold you in the highest respect as members of it. i've met few others who care as extensively as you do.

EBF 1.0, 1.5, 2.0: nobody does it like the sketchmaster. stace, saffy, tommy, adrian, joyster, lindser~ break it on down. i'll see you in the balloon room, and if anybody happens to see jessica or zachary, don't forget to wish them a happy birthday. oh yeah and punch KISSYFACE.

thank god for hullaballoo, everything that it has inspired, everybody who i have hugged because of it.
the past year has been incredible.
see you saturday.
erin xoxo
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