Thread: Best Hulla yet?
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Old December 6th, 1999, 12:07 PM   #1
Subsonic Chronic
Join Date: May 1999
Location: Toronto

I'm still in that post-hulla state of hapiness, so I can't really say definitely if "For Those Who Know" was the best hulla that I've been to. But if it wasn't, it was certainly up there with the best of them. I had such an incredible time!
Chris C kicked my ass! My ears are still a little fuzzy this monday morning from his set. (note to self: bring ear-plugs to avoid permanent damage).
The crowd there was unbelieveable, and the vibe was tight! All the music that I heard was great too. (wish I could have caught Willar's set)
One thing that really stuck out for me was that it seemed like a lot less people were fucked out of their heads on drugs. I talked to a lot more people who were sober, and people who looked like they had taken drugs looked a lot more under control. I think a lot of it had to do with the signs that were put up around the venue promoting safe partying.
Thanks to everyone who stuck around for my set. I had a great time, incase you couldn't tell, except for that rat-bastard security guard cutting me off early. (but I'll leave bashing of the news employees to another thread). I had to beg him just to finish the track that was on!

All in all, I had a fantastic time! Thank you to everyone who was part of the vibe, and thank you to chris for throwing another top-notch party!

So what does everyone else think? Was this infact the best Hulla thet they've ever been to?


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