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Old April 17th, 2000, 11:46 PM   #65
Join Date: Jan 2000
Location: Markham
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This is not a review of Group Hug, but more of a reflection and an introspective. It is at the bottom of a long list,and probably no one will really read this, but I need to post this for me.

Group Hug was more than just a party. Group Hug was a phenomenon. In my entire life, not just party life, have I ever been so moved by one occurance.

Group Hug was my first sober party. I had access to drugs as I have had every party. But this was one night I just didn't need it... I didn't even want it! I am not a very
emotional person... but I found myself close to tears during the closing minutes of the party.

Everything was perfect for that night... the people were happy, the music was insane, and the vibe was stronger and more present than any other party I've been to before.

Elixir, Orange Peel, Dr Trance, I usually HATE House and Trance... but dammit, the vibe was so strong, I still couldn't stop dancing!!! You guys made me like the music I could never listen to, little alone vibe to before!!!

Vibes, Vinyltrixta, those two sets had me dancing nonstop... E-By-Gum, you remember me; I was the crazy guy at the bottom of the stage all night! Those were two of the
greatest HHC sets I've ever heard in my life, infact they could have been the greatest. I got a Vinyltrixta tape at Hulla 14, and was skeptical... but it was such an
amazing tape, that I had to see him again. And BELIEVE ME, I WAS NOT DISAPPOINTED!!! Finally, Anabolic Frolic... Chris... many many thanks, his set brought me from
huffing and puffing tired to dancing like a psycho in just two beats!

Finally, the closing of the party... I was fortunate to have been on the stage for this part of the party, and fortunate enough to have been right next to Anabolic during his speech. In my opinion, this was the greatest
moment in Hulla History... the uniting of the raving masses, all in support of the vibe... the energy, even at 6:00am, was electric. And the final track, Heart of Gold, was the most appropriate song I've ever heard.
The group hug at the end was the icing on the cake...
a physical manifestation of the PEACE, the LOVE, the UNITY, and the RESPECT we all had for one another that night. I've never been quite so close to tears as I was that
night... I even feel emotional just writing about it now.

To the many friends I made that night, you were all part of this;

JEREMY/MARCEL : What a night... the walk from Queen and Sketch was worth it eh? Too bad robotic Elvis couldn't join us... Never forget jungle dancing to trance... it was still fun! HAHAHAH!

STEVE/ARRON/DAVE : You guys were awesome... it's so wicked we found each other in line! Too bad about our smily faced friend... he has gone to a better place, even if he was
JUST a balloon... Steve, ya gotta love my light shows...Arron, Dr Trance really DID tear it up.. and Dave, happy first party! Enjoy the bracelet!

THE DETROIT CREW (Katie, Lacea, Aaron, Matty Matt, and the rest!) : You guys were AWESOME.. the amount of fun we had was just too much... thanks for being there, thanks for inviting us back to the hotel afterwards, and thanks for the hospitality... you guys gotta come back soon! And remember Lacea and Katie... BOOTY BOOTY BOOTY!!!

To my dear Leslie... we met at Hulla 14, and here we are. I've never met a girl like you, and you have really taken this poor little french boy to the skies... just like the song, see me climb. You are part of what makes Hulla what it is for me, not just for being you, but for the memories as well. I love you sweetheart.

To Phil from Phryl, thank you for being there... what you said to me on Saturday was completely true, "What are friends for?"

To Anabolic, thank you not just from me, but on behalf of the scene. You really know what the scene is all about, and you were what I was waiting for all night. You are awesome, and keep it up! Keep Hulla happening!!!

And to everyone... to everyone who attended, who was there in support of Hullabaloo and the scene as a whole, we made a statement, and took a stand on April 15th, 2000.
We will not let stereotypes, generalizations, scapegoating,and general prejudice bring us down. We are STRONGER than that, and we have proven it!

The fact of the matter is that the scene is being assaulted... it is being violated. Those who arrange them are being persecuted, and those who attend them are being stereotyped and generalized as drug users and lepers on society. We are in the scenes darkest hour... the fact of the matter
is that human beings are xenophobic, and fear that which they do not understand. The powers that be are from a different generation, and rather than try to see us as what we are, they are trying to destroy us with a
vicious, almost sadistic mentality... like bloodhungry wildebeasts attacking a defenseless deer. Our only hope
is each other... together we stand, divided we fall.

I close this message with the same thing I close all my messages, but I think it takes on a more special meaning now...


- Dave

ICQ : 1779030


[This message has been edited by SpikyJungleChild (edited April 17, 2000).]
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