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Old April 18th, 2000, 05:23 AM   #71
Join Date: Apr 2000

Eveyone has said everything that can be said about that party, but I still feel the need to put in my two cents.

My roommate and I came from Detroit even though we heared hulla was cancelled.

Chris, we had so much faith in you that something would be pulled together and for that soul reason we came. your set brought tears to my eyes, I don't think there was ever a DJ in detroit who's set has even come close. I really feel like the kidz who went to serenity missed something so phantastic, something that happens so rarely. Grand Rapids Loves you!

I took a train home, my ears still ringing, and here I am at 3:00 am, still amazed at what all you crazy party people accomplished. From the unbelievable feeling of the group hug at the end to just the vibe all night, it's like, if that were the last party i were to go to, I would be content.

I met so many cool people in T-dot that night...they were all true party kidz. My girl, Bridget (she wore some dalmation print fleece pants with a matching vest) said something that just amazes me now before we even left to get on the train.

She and I had tickets that we couldn't take back until after we got back to Toronto and she would joke and say, "You'll see, all the kidz who believe in hullabaloo, all the true hulla ravers, will make whatever party we go to a hullabaloo"
For a girl who only heared me talk about Toronto, and Hullabaloo, She had so much faith that something else was going to happen.

So there we were, representin' Detroit partying with you crazy Toronto kidz, and I just knew that these were the kidz that bridget was telling me about, the party kidz that never give up hope on companies that stay true to themselves and their scene.

So, to end this long cheezy letter I'd like to send my congrats and my deepest appreciation and *massive hugs* to all the peeps who pulled this together, to the DJ's who made me get down all night, and to all the kids that made my night one I will never forget (brandon, you especially).

And to top off my night, as we were leaving, I got to hug Chris, and there's nothing like the feeling you get when you tell someone they've made you have the best time. massive love from Da Jungle!

[This message has been edited by Da_Jungle_BunnE (edited April 18, 2000).]
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