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Old May 12th, 2002, 05:52 PM   #7
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as I am waiting impatiently for my pictures to be developped (i get to pick em up in 20 minutes), I sit here....tired as hell...ready to popst a review.

What can I say? This Hulla was AMAZING! Even though I didn't get to meet many Hullaboarders there, I did have the pleasure of meeting Carl (DirectDrive), Mike (Everybody's Daddy), Jesse (Mr Magoo), and Keron (Keron Da Funky 1)....boys, it was fun...we must do this again! =)
To Ashley, Nick, all 4 Ryans, Scott, Justin, Johnny Funk, a party ain't a party without u guys! (especially the mad-ass funky dancing care of Justin)

All of the sets were personal favorites were Frolic, Force, and silver1....(and I wouldn't of minded that colossal 5.5 hour set...) the tracks were insane! (I know, i'm being kinda biased, since silver1 *did* play shooting star)...

Anywho...I had fun...hey hey to everyone that I met last night...and I am definitely ready for the next Hulla!

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