Thread: How was wemf?
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Old August 5th, 2002, 05:11 PM   #37
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This is my wemf review... too broken still to be super original

ahhhhh, inevitable post-3 day bitchiness... like a warm blanket

Well where should I start?!? I could list off the millions and billions of lil hillarious/sketchy/crazy/fun/terrible times.. but I don’t have a week to type them...

f i r s t: the ride up
fabulous, the easiest 3 day trip up ever, no stress great people (adam, nessa, and will) and arrived at a suitable time. Got there to Kellan and the everyone, met up with Fawn and we all set up our tenting village ~let the raving begin~

f r i d a y: craz-y
crack times were had... we were still clean so that was lovely *high fives cotter for our cleanliness* I spent the night with everyone, dancing, laughing, crazy adventures... the music was ok, the people were better.. although there were a few key people missing... the night was definitly the least sketchy of all for everyone... and I went to bed a tad early to rest and make m body not hate me

s a t u r d a y: sketch-Y
lets have a lil talk...Jib? NO!~ pounds of jib? NO NO~! -that is my advice for the few who have enough brain cells to learn-
beach times Saturday afternoon, fab-u-lous... *tips her hat to Shann for bein’ my parnter in crime* the amount of things that went on this day are actually too much to get into, BUT i will say wemf = drugs and as funny as it was at times...people need to stop when they can still function. Josh the Funky 1 - I love you ! but he was showing off and it took away from the set, you may disagree but I’ve seen him numerous times.. and it was a tad hard to dance to... Dj Assult, hillar, simply hillar. this night for me was about wondering... ohh craziness.. and i didn’t sleep till well into Sunday, but it was worth it, ohhh the stories I have

Just random listing of people who made my weekend what it was, because they are faboo:
Nessa & Adam - my favorite couple ever
Shann - hiding! acid! fun! my fav of the weekend!
Cotter- yup, you’re the best
Megan - soooo cute, lovin’
Willy- crazy willy! riddles 4 life
Fawn - never dissapoints "The Legand"
Nick - I’ll save you anytime
cOlin - awwww, hehe, glad things are normal again
Kellan - barf-shirt-bag & walkie talkies, i luv
Sunshine - boOb grab
Heather - I’m glad you came
Michie - so great
Corey - 16!!! heheh, kidding... our talks were good
Jane - t’was a pleasure meeting you
Erynn - sexi as always
Keron - you + me+ house, 4life
Darren - it was nice seeing you brielfly
Mike (nub) ^ ditto
Matt - always hOt, always my booty buddy (booty house that is)
probably about a dozen more... and so many more that i met for the first time and loved... forgive me? i’m the most tired
[and I didn’t hang out with some people i REALLY wanted to, :/]
Ama- wasn’t there *tear* but I rolled around for her

all n all - good weekend
UPS and downs but isn’t everything?
next yr, if there is one... hotel styles.. all the way
and some people need to know when the party should stop
but a lot of people made it worth it
-next time i ask you to think, don't give me a blank stare
-saul williams
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