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Old August 6th, 2002, 12:35 AM   #21
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I came up at around 9pm on friday...and as soon as we walked in i was in awe of the destiny was such a great was friendly that night...we setup tent and we were on our way to venture into the night...that night i had the pleasure of catching MindField...and it rocked...i danced to his whole was awesome...crashed at like 5:30am till 8am.

Saturday..was all about Josh the Funk1...and the hulla tent...

sunday...was all about wanting a good shower.

shoutouts...not everyone of course...lot of people I missed seeing....but everyone i did ran into was nice to see again...or nice to meet for the first time!

DirectDrive: PPP CREW! fun times! hanging with you on friday night was greattttt! we showed them how to party didn't we?? didn't we! and we had quite the adventure coming home hehe

temeric.... and his crew: Ah! I beat them at UNO! yah thats right you guys failed! in record time too! hehe yah it was great hanging out with u guys during the day and making majic kool aid and pasta with psychick.

BeBe: you're such a sweetheart! we had lots of fun! it was really super nice hanging out with your friends from london...ack and you found a nice sweater for a better price than me! grgrg!

Psychick: you are the coolest ..cause you just are! and plus you have a tatoo of a cat..and i luv cats...and so i luv ya!

MCED: when i saw you show up yoooo i was so happy!!!! partying with you is always fun! bang topaz 4 life!

~QuijiKid~: Cait Cait Cait! i felt bad that you lost your voice...your such a crazzzzzy & cute one!

Keron: Josh Josh Josh! yoooo you caught the cd! wikid times during his set with you keron.

cheesegirl: tasha! i poke poke me...i poked you poked me back was fun in Phlux tent with ya =)

Nubbie: always a pleasure yo! i feel your pain with the no techno tent all weekend =(

Mirah: smiling all weekend when i saw ya! go mirah go!

kandeegirl2: jenn you gave me the biggest hug ever! i almost passed out! great seeing ya again!

Phorcleigh: wish we could have hanged out a bit longer...a little shy but i can work with that! hope to see you again soon!

societies devil: of all places in the Tim Horten's washroom..haha awesome set andrew.

Mr.T: you came and you conquered ha.

SketchLobster: Jay Jay Jay...everytime i saw were zoned out. good to see ya again though.

luscious_leah: great seeing ya! your braided hair looked soooo great!

scottee2hottee: nice to meet ya...josh was wikid!

K a r S t a r - Purr Purr Purr -

Psychick | J-Karlos | Termeric | The Cyber Lepers Of The Future
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