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Old August 6th, 2002, 07:02 PM   #28
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Another Year, Another WEMF

And of course .. I had a wicked time.

Friday started off with a bang. The beer tent had beer Everyone still had their marbles and the night seemed to flow very smoothly

I spent most of my time running between the beer tent, the hulla tent, and the syrous tent. I ran into allot of old and new friends which made for interesting conversations.

Saturday morning I witnessed two of my friends running down a hill with their playschool wagon and crashing into the port-o-potties. *shakes head*

Saturday for me consisted of chilling in a tent and drinking. I was hoping to catch a few z's but that never happened.

Finally Saturday night came. Frisky finally shows up .. so let the drinking begin I spent most of my time in the hulla tent. The sets I heard were wicked. Swiss dropping Runaway as his last tune :P, Silver1 playing "here I am", Frolic's entire set (woo woo) and the majority of Brisks set (minus the new style). Unfortunately about this time I started to fall asleep. I decided to take a little nap and be up and ready to go for kaos & apex & frisky. But a little nap ended up being 10hrs.

Sunday consisted of more drinking and playing practical jokes. I wish I had a video camera. Something about a tent that chases people around tickles my funny bone.

Any who,

shouts out to everyone I met and talked to on the weekend (easy way of not missing anyone :P), to Storm, Kwik, and JD for mcing to my set and a Happy B-day to Ally.

Also, Congratulations to:
Chris and Robin
Tommy and Sandy
Storm and his Gf

p.s. Sorry to Colin and Nick. Next time there’s a water fight I’ll make sure I’m not using Vodka
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