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Old September 30th, 2002, 06:52 PM   #57
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Join Date: Feb 2002
Location: The Roc , ny
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After meeting our canadian counterparts we made it to the hulla line at about quarter to 9. When I saw the little kid freaking out in the street i realized that this would be another crazy night. I cant really say too much more about the vibe, it's allways bad ass. The Dj's were as allways amazing, but where was marcus. Ufo rocked the place. I heard that neophyte braincracking song come on and I totally went crazy but you cut it short. Sorry I missed your set frolic. I went to the bathroom and ended up in a k-hole. Thanks to the people in there that threw water on me to cool me off. Thanks to the medics too. you guys were cool as fuck. When I was finally cleared to go back in it was almost 4 o'clock. D-minus' set was wicked. I cant wait to see you battle at nightmare, it will be so off the hook. did everyone notice that rochester was deffinately in the house. Every other person that I saw was from rochester. Its nice to go to a party and know half of the people. The park after the party was fun as usual. Props to the Toronto-Rochester connection- matt, ryan, ron, bill, brian, rick, julie, nicole, peter, phil, josh, andrea, marcus- you guys know how to party. And especially thanks to matt for letting us crash on your porch untill 7 the next evening.
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