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Old December 15th, 2002, 08:26 AM   #3
anabolic frolic
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Well, before crazy rumours spread everywhere, in a nutshell here's what happened;

An ambulance was called for a guy who was tripping out badly, but he refused medical treatement so the police were called. They ended up arresting him and taking him away in their cruiser, to the hospital I assume but obviously he wasn't in great danger if they did it that way.

At the same time the opera house security caught some dealers red handed and decided to hand them over to the police that where there, but the police ended up using this against the club as a grounds to shut the party down. All the police were there as a standard response to dispursing a crowd of several hundred people.

I should add that there seems to be some sort of existing issue between the police and the opera house as the police were harrassing them the night before about an all-ages pop show.

It was decided to cooperate with the police rather than fighting with them since that probably wouldn't help much for the future.

Really sucks, but at least it was a great party till all that.
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