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Old December 15th, 2002, 10:54 AM   #5
oOFuzzEOo's Avatar
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Got a wierd vibe

Just after D-minus set, I wanted to go.. But also I was getting this werid vibe that something was going down.. So me and BunnE decided that we should get up and go.

Shortly after exiting the building we saw lots of police cars coming towards the opera house, I thought it rather funny. I figure it was one of the fucking drunk thugs beat some kid up for his Cheap golden Rolex (Which Someguy tried to sell me in the bathroom BTW :P)

Anywho, Very funny how that happend.. All that matters is we got out before all this went down, becuase we would be seroiusly two pissed off ravers right now!!

But I have to admit that party was fucking excellent! Everything sounded great.. Minus Dr.Trance who had a good beging to his set but lost my attention just shortly after.. LOL My girlfriend (BUnnE) thought he should have been dressed up as santa clause.

Well anyway, Sucks to be shut down don't it.. Better luck next time.. GREAT PARTY!!!
"Don't You hate Pants"
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