Thread: The Reviews!!!
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Old December 16th, 2002, 12:04 PM   #50
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Good times were had by most.

Really enjoyed Dr. Trance's set. I know most people want to hear nothing but HHC and especially anthems but I like a little variety in my evening and especially 1 set of jungle or trance hits the spot between wikkid performances by Frolic, Fade and the usual suspects.

Nice to finally f2f with HEATER, BeBe. and my usual bathroom rendezvous with Karlos (he of the synchronized bladder)

I left right about at 4:30 so I managed to miss the shutdown. Sounds like my timing was impeccable for once.

Didn't get too much of a thuggish vibe but it seemed to me that the E-tards were lined up 2 deep along any surface they could lean against.....

Until February I remain....

I'm mad! Mad I tell you! Well not in the angry way but the crazy way...
OK maybe more nutty than crazy but you get the idea.

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