Thread: The Reviews!!!
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Old December 18th, 2002, 12:06 PM   #82
Sweetness and Light Mod
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Okay, finally I’ll do my review…..i had written a big huge one and it didn’t post cuz I had too many smileys or some ish……

The drive up was pretty good despite the lake effect snow in new york state…… to at around 1pm from leaving new jerzee at like 3;30 am. Went to numb bought the tickets and headed to the hotel ….got there, checked in and found our room…….crash city…..slept for a few hours, woke up ordered some pizza from Pizza Pizza  yummmmmm…..started to get showered and ready for hulla………all kandied up and ready to go……made our way to queen st. found a parking spot (ended up with a ticket) blah…….so we get in line …got to see jesse and kelly right away and shortly after ran into karen…yay!!!!! Only had to wait in line a lil bit….got inside and started our fun. It was great to see soo many of the wonderful canadian friends I’ve made and meet new and great people too!!! The music was wonderful as usual but as mentioned there is always room for more anthems…bring on the cheeze!
My highlight of the evening was getting to go up on stage during Fade and Kelly, THANK YOU MOONDANCER!!!!!!! Big hugz to you!!!! Meeting steverino was also great…..there were soo many great people at this party….Iris, Mike (british flag shirt), the hullaboard crew, ED, keron, bebe, leah, matty, matt, karlos….the us peeps, candykates and louie, eaglescorp, jordan, and of course the ny kids, slava, lauren, young, brittany and brooke……….all the other great people I met that I forgot im sorry………bad memory…….overall the party was up there with all the other great hullas I went to this year. The ride back wasn’t too bad. Got to have young and brittany with us on most of the ride which was awesome…..they loved the dminus cd and want copies……..i need a new one myself, mine is worn out …….got home about 12;30am and slept like a baby. Can’t wait for February!!!!
Definition of love:
the ability to allow those that you care for to be what they choose for themselves without any insistence that they satisfy you.
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