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Old December 23rd, 2002, 05:07 PM   #16
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Thx kandee. Glad someone can think well enough to say it (meaning that I can't think well enough to say anything too bright right now)

I don't think its so much of a problem as a problem in people's heads. People everywhere are always upset at other people for various reasons. Its dumb. In the end the best thing to do is just give up and accept people the way they are. Once you start judging...even if you have really good reasons it just goes downhill.

Yeah drugs...Drunks ruin the bar scene. If pot had a scene then I'm sure potheads would ruin it too. Caffiene ruins any kind of normal social scene...people get so strung out. Any kind of user could potentially ruin things. Don't blame a chemical though. Its just a chemical...Everyone is an individual regardless oh how alike they seem to other people. When someone is on a drug it is still that person...I hate hearing the excuse...Yeah I did some stupid things but I was really drunk (or whatever...I hear drunk a lot) that night. In most cases you're still in control. If you act differently under a drug it isn't the is you choosing to act differently b/c you feel better/whatever...

I hate being treated like I'm screwed up all the time...But mostly I just hate being treated using any stereotype.

Bah. To each their own is more than just some phrase...
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