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Old February 10th, 2003, 11:14 AM   #55
divingFaces's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2000
What a great night!

That was a killer party! I met lots of great people! Only a few members of the board though. Nice to meet MaTch, you're a good guy.

Special 'hi' to the "asian connection" (Darryl, Quan, Darren, Ian, Cole and I know I missed a name or 2) if any of them make it on here.

candypants & §tarlite, as always that party couldn't have been better with anyone else.

Frolic, nice chattin' with you for a bit during the signing Get your ass in gear on those happy hour compilations!

Mrs, Frolic, sorry for bein' a paypal slut and "takin' you away from the action"

supaster, heard you met my sister, but once again we eluded one another... I even had my nelly furtado t-shirt on again Alas, we still aren't sure where to put the em pha sis in your damn board name (starlite forgot)

Okay, the American flag thing I believe has run it's course, it's a nice gesture and all, but unless you're gonna hold up a flag of equal size representing the country you're actually in to display unity which I believe is your intent, for a party that kind of patriotism is probably better left at home... just my $0.02. None the less glad so many Americans representing.

Every set of the night was outstanding minus the jungle. The dancing was forced I swear it I wish the jungle could be broken up into four 15 minute sements... that'd be great! An hour straight of it is barely tolerable for me. HOWEVER, I was glad to see Capital J so into his set and all the jungle lovers get their fill. Makes it far more tolerable to see a bunch of kids shakin' their shit like there's no tomorrow.

Vibes set was WAY bette than I expected. I was expecting the cheese level to be nauseating, but it was perfect. Couldn't have been better. And I love it when DJ's (especially the headliners) get on the mic for a brief moment to say their piece after a set. Just pumps up the intimacy value a little for me.

I was very happy that Frisky played at his regular pace on Saturday (as opposed to at Anthems when he must have been keeping things slower for the last set of the night, perfectly understandable, but makes the set seem SOOO slow on tape)

Elixir's set couldn't have been better for his video shoot.

Thanks for a great party once again. Looking forward to April.

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