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Old April 25th, 2003, 12:20 PM   #57
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Location: Chatham, ON
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^ yep
**warning: rant coming up**
I've always been workin in the restaurant biz up til now. Now I work in retail but I left the waitressing because I was so sick and tired of stupid customers treating me like I was their personal fucking servant. I would bust my ass every single night for these people and I'd get like a buck on the table after they left. And the way that MANY MANY people treat servers is absolutely disgusting. Just because we are serving you your food and drinks does NOT give you the right to treat us with any less respect than you would treat anyone else. And as far as tipping goes, a few other people have said it but I'll reiterate - IF YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO TIP, THEN STAY THE FUCK HOME!!! It is an accepted part of eating out for dinner. You tip the people who bring you your food, your drinks and who make sure your evening out at the restaurant is enjoyable. If you don't like tipping, stay home and make your own damned food. And for anyone who complains about having to tip - you try it for one night and see what it's like to run your ass off and kiss the customers asses for $5.95 an hour and THEN see if you don't expect tips after....So if you want to compare working in a factory to bartending or serving - servers don't even GET minimum wage, so just to survive, we have to bust our humps TEN times harder than a factory worker would ever have to JUST to get by. And trust me, it doesnt' feel too good to know that you have to count on the generosity of your customers just to be able to buy groceries that week. So attitudes like yours just make it worse for us.

As for the bartender at the Opera House, maybe she was having a bad night, maybe someone had pissed her off, maybe she had just served someone a bunch of drinks and they didn't tip. These things could have all added up to make her attitude the way it was. Maybe she just had enough of serving alcohol to a bunch of ravers who weren't tipping. If you can't afford to throw a loonie her way for every drink you buy, maybe you shouldn't be drinking out at a bar then.

Sorry for the rant, just had to put in my two cents.
Work like you don't need the money.
Love like you've never been hurt.
Dance like nobody's watching.
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