Thread: Got Hyped
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Old April 21st, 2003, 06:43 PM   #100
Join Date: Apr 2003
Location: Chicago, IL
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Well just to throw in my two cents worth.. I had a great time.. this was only my second hulla and I will say I had a better time at power of dreams but I think that the first hulla will always be something more special for me... I will say that driving back to chicago get harder each time... This time I was supposed to chill at some hotel.. however I lost the people who I was supposed to meet there so we had to leave about an hour after the party... that kinda sucked but the party will be another memory forever... Thanks to everyone I met you guys all helped make my evening... well.... thats enough for now... Hope to see everyone in July and if you met me please keep in touch.. I was dumb and did not get nearly enough people information so I shall be smarter next time... ok enough babbling this was supposed to be a short reply...


-PLURtle the Rave Turtle!
"Normal is what you are when everyone else is different" - Unknown
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