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Old December 7th, 2003, 09:16 PM   #16
Join Date: Jul 1999
Location: Markham
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the shit is, I LOST my bvicks, argh

now how do I clear my nose??? umm, I'm looking forward to

Anabolic Frolic taking my tickets at the door, no search, and an amazing time

I even did some work, i sell RESPs and I found 2 people with kids

omg, i never knew there were so many older hullas. i'm 25 and ya i check the boards all thet ime, but it was hype especially all the newcomers being so friendly.

i'm pretty chirpy and bubbly from 9 pm - 2 am, but then the old bones give way and i lose my smile

more like when i left at 4 am, i was dazed from partying all night thursday annd friday

but sleeping all day sunday makes it worth it

what I was looking for??? well, I met pretty girls and had amazign conversations

a few people took my picture with my gf, even Tribve was there

i was looking forward to posting here, my standard meet and greet your fellow pie-eyed rush was hi, happy hulla and where r u from?

i felt like saying i'm palestinan muth fukker and i've got nuff bombs strapped to me to blow this place u[p and liberate the middle east, die zionist jews

but then again, my plur took check and i figured no-one would be dropping bombs if they took drugs and didn't believe in god

sooo, there i said it, stupid americans complaining that they can't smoke anywhere and their parties don't compare

well, you ain't in africa dying of aids so quit whining and polluting the air with your bitterness


ps i brought jujubes, found some candy canes and big red gum. plus i had my whistle at the door, got some free cds and ppl gave my gf and i sooo many bracelets

we didn't even have to assault anyone , we just ran up close and drooled at their arms, omg, there's a happy face!! gimme!!

ya we scammed ilke 40 and i gave like all of mine back to girls

long live the candy kids plus the opera house

hey there's free parking, when you've been hitting every hulla since 97 it's a bonus, as long as security doesn't yell at you for holding your girl's hands down the stairs from hell to go to the washroom, grr, it was only 3 am tho and i didn't want to get kicked out for shooting off my mouth

FIRE him, the big black guy with glasses

anyways , about raving everyday umm there's work remember silly! but if u live with your gf and you love her then there should be constant happiness

i was especially cheered when it's like 4 am, I have like a beard going and looking 28 or even hahah, this girl misheard and thought i was 45 but she was still rubbin my head, hehe, but that's why i love ravers

i live with my parents, I've been restrained to finish my BA math honors and the rave scene is still there

so now when I've finally bust out on the world and building my social network, i can go to a party, see peeps and recognise and foster a solid support circle and community

ya i make balloons for a living and make little kids happy so giving away bracelets to make others happy is what it's all about

sure u can dance in your spot for hours and stare at teh pretty lights but if it's a hhc party, you can trade bracelets and recognise faces

plus u get teh bonus of the fond memories
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