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Old December 8th, 2003, 07:23 PM   #59
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Originally posted by babyEjunglist
^dude people kept doing that to me too ..there like here ull like this then im getting wet im like wtf? ahah

At least they asked/told you they were gunna do it... they didn't tell me shit all.. just dumped the water as I took 10 second pause from dancing... 7 of those seconds looking around at who did it
Originally posted by mrmagoo
Anyone here about "The Groper" that was there?

Aparently he was going around groping girls real quick then disapearing into the crowd. It happend to Kelly and I think KandiKates was telling me about some weird dude that was trying to cuddle with her

I just hugged Kelly, I swear!
Originally posted by happyrockets
Maybe it's because you people were on E, but Enchanted certainly wasn't awesome. The music was great, but who the hell books a rave in the OPERA HOUSE? I arrived at around 11:30, and by then it was already packed. Come 1:00 there was barely any room to dance without colliding with people. I noticed that a lot of people just ended up standing and watching the stage, or jumping up and down, simply because there was NO ROOM to do shit.

This was my first Hulla, and it will be my last. I danced the night away, but only because I spent precious money on a Hulla ticket; a mistake that I will never repeat.

If you enjoyed Enchanted, then all the power to you. I'm just stating my piece.


It's always packed down in front... during Elixir's set.. it was still packed in front of the stage area... I went up to the balcony for like 30 minutes and there was plenty of room to move... you just gatta walk around and find a good spot... but it was pretty dead up there... maybe 3-4 people dancing.. the rest standing along the railing and watching... or people sitting and talking.. so I found myself coming back down
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