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Old February 9th, 2004, 09:30 PM   #9
anabolic frolic
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Stage access has to be controlled because otherwise it becomes a madhouse and there are lots of valuable things on stage, like records and sound equipment and we've had shit happen like DJ's headphones stolen. The other issue is that I find it EXTREMELY disrespectful to the DJs when the stage is so crowded their view of the crowd is blocked (and vice versa) by people dancing in front of them. I know it's a great place to be, but all the talent has worked hard to be there and it's their time to shine, not a handful of stage dancers.

Anyhoo, that's why the strong security sweep. We've NEVER allowed free stage access. It would be a complete madhouse otherwise. If someone is up there who shouldn't be, it's because security hasn't caught them yet.

Also, I don't think anyone can say that Hulla doesn't ever deliver on everything it promises, and we certainly didn't say we were giving away free CDs at this party. It was done (clearly promoted on the flyer) a single time 2 parties ago in September. The pads and pens thing wasn't even promoted either, we just did that as something fun for the newbs since it went over well last time.

Anyways, just wanted to clear that up. We've worked incredibly hard for the past 7+ years to make Hulla everything that it is, something totally unique and different than anything else in the whole world, and after recovering from our hard work this weekend the last thing I need to read is someone complaining about things we didn't even say we'd do. I don't mean to bite your head of or anything and I'm certain you had a great time and appreciate your support, but if you didn't intend your post to be a "complaint" please re-read it and consider what you write in the future.
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