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Old April 18th, 2004, 01:50 PM   #10
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Finally got my full review done.... this is more or less a copy/paste from PR... just gunna add/remove some names.. since not all those PR people come on the hullaboard...

Sail Away Reviews
Party Summary
Overall.. it was a great party... great music... great vibe... especially from the n00bs.... but then again it’s usually like that... good job to everyone! about halfway through I mashed out hardcore... all i felt like doing was sitting/cuddling... unfortunately for me... I had no one to cuddle with... so it was just kinda sitting there by myself... heh

DJ Reviews
DJ Spinz: I’m not mean when I say this... I just hate jungle THAT much... your set gave me a headache and it was bugging me... everyone kept asking me if I was okay cuz they saw me grabbing onto my head in pain.. heh

Subsonic Chronic: And again.. you have yet to disappoint me... good show!

All Hardcore DJs: Good job on a night well done....
Favourite set: Anabolic Frolic
Least Favourite set: Breeze

Peeps Shoutouts
Usually Ashley (babyEjunglist) gets the first shoutout.. but then she disappointed me when she told me she wasn’t coming... boourns to her... anyways.. here we gooo....

Shannon (lil_birdie): Didn’t see you as much as I usually do.. but twas still good to see ya.

Chris/Krystal (MC_2-CB/kandikidd): I’m gunna just start joining you two together.. I rarely see enough of you two throughout the night to have anything to say doing it separately... ummm like it says.. I dont really have anything to say... heh.. Chris: Did you ever end up calling me? I fell asleep around 2-2:30... and woke up at 7:45... boourns to that...

Colin (TrYpPy): Saw you when I first came in.... but rarely saw you throughout the night... sucks to that!

Denise (jamgirl): I remember two people asking me if Ashley was there... but I honestly don’t remember seeing you... next time I ignore you like when you sat beside me (without me knowing it was you).. remind me who you are... after all.. I *was* on 4 Es :P

Matt (MaTcH): Didn’t see you until we were all outside... I guess that’s better than nothing

Ashley (Sourkid): You told me you weren’t going to Hulla... and then I see you at hulla.. whats up wit dat? heh

Jeremy (FreakyJunglist): At least you tried to get me to go to that after party... I just didn’t know where i’d be going.. so I just went home.. I really dont wanna be here.. :/

Jeff (Sim): I finally remembered who you were! heh... I think I only saw you in/near the lineup... I don’t remember seeing you throughout the night.

Andrea (Dakota): It’s funny how you bumped into me... It’s always the same too... right when we least expect it... we both look at each other.. and stare for a while.. heh

Sheila (Wyld): Always a pleasure to see ya again... though we usually don’t talk to each other... I tried talking once at a recent past hulla.. and you simply smiled at me.. nodded and said "I’m gunna go over here now"... boourns to you :P

Timmy (DynamicHalfDuo): I think I liked you more in a skirt... okay that’s just disturbing.. lol

happyhat: I dunno your name.. so you suck... heh... how did I know you would be there :P

Courtney (itsgigglegurl): I didn’t see you at all until the party was over and everyone was leaving... and you walked past me...

Sunny (neverlandgurl): My mouth dropped when I saw ya... didn’t know you’d be there... so many people kept cancelling out on going...

Kelly (Race_2_Da_Beat): Woah! We stood beside each other for an extended period of time.. and then realized who each other was after like 2 minutes! lol

Jessie (mr_magoo): You almost got away from me there... I had to literally run to catch you... just to say HI.. heh

So did I have fun without Ashley being there? You damn right I did... although Ashley could have helped lots while I was mashing.. lol

** I appologize if I have missed someone... I was mashed for most of the night so I can’t remember all THAT much.. but I try... remind me that I met you.. and I’ll edit it into there. :P
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