Thread: seriously
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Old April 20th, 2004, 11:24 PM   #27
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Iunno, why people have to pop pills at raves, i have just as much fun without none of that shit... Blazing on the other hand, if its natural, i'm in

Most people who have never rolled before will say that. It truly is a magical experience being at such an event on such a drug. But if you have tried it before and you still feel that the pill wont make the night any better then it already is, then all the power to ya.

My first Hulla was sober. I had tried the stuff many times before that, but wanted my first Hulla experience to be sober, so I could properly judge just how good it is I had an incredible time

Anyway back on topic. I forgot to shout out to Weaver! Nice meeting ya.
Cause when it comes to this gangsta shit you muthafuckas know who run it
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