Thread: seriously
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Old April 21st, 2004, 10:52 PM   #42
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Originally Posted by pointy_sticks
You're a fucking idiot. Knowing what you put in your body is not elitist, nor is wanting to help others to know what they put in their bodies. Nobody here is being a dick but you, everyone else is just having a civil conversation about HELPING PEOPLE TO BE SMART. Nobody is saying that you shouldn't take drugs, just that if you choose to you should be intelligent and informed about that decision.

In the future, please make sure that you're not making a complete ass of yourself before you go trying to start a fight where there was none before.

Firstly, no need for the language... Secondly,where on earth did I say in my post that your an elist if you know what you put in your body... Do not twist my words, my comment was in direct reponse to the person who said he was safer because he knew who he bought the drugs from and put down the other person because he didnt personally know his dealer... . Drug awarence does not equal knowing your dealers first name or knowing the cute little pictures stamped on your pill. If you cannot understand that then your really are lost. My point: Everytime you take a pill, your at a risk. You minimise the risks by not mixing pills or taking large amount of alcohol and most importantly knowing your limit...Thanks for trying to conceptualize my post though.
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