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Old April 22nd, 2004, 01:21 PM   #141
TeDdYbEaRbOgGle's Avatar
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Location: Iselin NJ
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****actually <DIANEJAPA>********
***i repeat... this is actually ~dianejapa~***

sorry this is so late. usuallly i'm on right after i get home, but im at my boyfriends house for the rest of the week and i havent had a chance to spend any real length of time on the puter. but hes at work now till five so ihave plenty of time to kill.

anywho...... twas a super great great night. i always have fun at hullas, but this time was extra awesome. maybe it was the people i was there with or something. i don't know, but whatever it was, it was a great night.

lets see... skittles, a pleasure as always. i'm sure it will be warmer in july so the beach *must* happen again. not that i had any real sense of how cold it was. emily, you rock my face all over the place to outer space. youre awesome and so are your pictures. happy bubble blowing! jamgirl, i can't thank you enough for the super cool necklace. it delighted my plurry heart everytime i looked down and saw it blinking back at me. youre totally getting something super sool from me next time. you and tryppy are super fun people. id better see you both in july!! hi george... we both made it this time! and we're alive! lol glowraver (who stole my thread from me!! lol) sorry about my little display in the parking lot. prolly not the best first impression hehe... it was good to meet ya tho. everybodies daddy... i felt honored to me meet you seeing as it seemed like i was the only one on here who didn't know you already (if you recall our conversation in the balcony) a special hi to the peoples from utah, i mean wow... thats some dedication right there. hope you had fun. liquerisqucker, candyisdandy, and the tons of other people i met who knew me from the boards, im sorry my memory is so bad, but i'm sure i'll see you next time too. and a special hi and thank you to all the michegan peoples that we met before at outer space and hungout with at the hotel afterwards. sorry my extreme tardiness. "what about orange chicken? we are talking about chinese food right?" ::::shakes head in shame:::: some day i'll learn that by like noon the next day im not in any condition to express any ideas...

bill, ox and jen... i'm glad you all had so much fun at your first hullas. bill and ox, i know you guys will be back. jen, i hope someday you'll be back and that you'll have recovered from our never-ending party attitude by july (maybe a few more redbulls will help huh? lol)
What am i going? Where am i doing? I can NOT getting out of this thing!?
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