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Old July 5th, 2004, 11:12 PM   #59
.:candyraver:.'s Avatar
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Location: Bradford, Ontario
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wow what an awesome party - i had a great time for the most part - around the middle my bf said he felt kinda sick and that made me really upset for some reason and i got really wierd - anyone that talked to me then, im sure you now know why i was so wierd! hehe aside from that i didnt really meet anyone new, i just talked to ppl that i already knew (which is better).

Sean + Jess (astrocreep + .:jess:.) - u 2 are my faves to party with, including the sketchy ride home! *mwah*. sean, at wemf u better get off ur ass and dance for once

Bradford Crew: well we werent up to our full potential, and not everyone was having a good time the whole party... that sucked i hope the next one will be better. aside from that, you know i love u all anyways

Woodstock crew: you guys are awesome, i cant wait 2 camp with u at wemf!!!!

travelsize: yay for meeting u again! it was cool talking to u, even though it was just briefly a couple of times

pinkbunny: i wish we could have come to your hotel after, but we left everything for "after the party" back at home... *sigh* o well i had an awesome time chatting with u anyway

babyejunglist: awwwwww no way you're the cutest *blush* it was awesome seeing you again, i hope we can hang out longer at the next party

toye: nice to see you again - i love that hat of yours, as always :P

seizure: we didnt talk much, but it was still cool seeing u again, im sure i'll c u sometime soon at another party

saber: i think i talked to you for a bit - if you are who i think you are, it was awesome meeting u!

email sean: i always see u but we never talk much, im always on my way to the smoking section :P

i know theres more people but im incredibly sick right now and i cant write anymore, as soon as im more awake i'll write more. hulla was awesome, i cant wait for wemf i hope i'll see u all there

love holly
You got me feeling HULLA good so let's just keep on dancing
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