Thread: Raver Tag!
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Old August 28th, 2004, 11:52 PM   #36
CaNaDiAn-X-3001's Avatar
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This sounds soo crazeey...
Why have I not heard of raver-tag before this?!?
I want in for sure...
Keep me posted...
Way to show initiative on this Twinkles... need help organizing or anything let me know ... maybe i can give a hand... not that i can think of anything that would require large amounts of set up etc but meh u never know... it sounds pretty self-explanatory tho...

Oh you also might want to make a couple cards/buttons etc... u know, have a couple ppl be 'it' at once to start off... if say 5-10 ppl were 'it' the game wouldnt die out as quick... might not be as fun at first but over the course of the nite it would prolly drizzle down to only 1-3 ppl being it ... but it would almost definitely last all nite...just a thought anyways...

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