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Old September 24th, 2004, 01:24 PM   #62
anabolic frolic
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Originally Posted by Everybodies_Daddy
Most DJ's of Hulla calibre don't plan their sets. They bring a bag of choonage, and play what feels right at the moment. Sometimes a track is played, and a DJ who's on later doesn't know it's already been played, so he'll repeat it. Other times they just don't care... like Heartbeats gets such a monster reaction that it's worth playing a couple times a night, just like Eyeopener was back in the day.

It's not for lack of music, it's for what feels good.


Well, that's pretty much it. I had no intention of playing heart beats at all, but at that moment it seemed to be the right thing to do.

The other thing is anthems need to be cained to become anthems. It's just power for the course. If heart beats got played once per hulla at 11pm originally no one would take much notice.
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