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Old September 29th, 2004, 10:10 AM   #90
Acorn143's Avatar
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Your first Hullabaloo;
The first time someone gave you a whistle;
That feeling when you first walked into the door and the sound washed over you;
The first time someone said "Happy Hullabaloo" and gave you a hug;
When the headliner played an unreleased remix of your favourite track;
When Frisky closed the night with "Children of the Night";
When they cut the music and you could hear 800 ravers singing along to "Shooting Star";
Standing in the lineup with kids from 13 states and three countries all standing next to you;
The first time you got absolutely smashed at a Hullabaloo;
When you talked in the washroom for three hours;
Those f'ng stairs;
When Michael Jatas came to Hulla to flier;
When you drank for 2 hours with that guy at the bar, and only stopped when he said "hang on, I have to go spin now";
When you got home from a Hulla and had 56 pieces of paper and everyone had an email or PR name on it;
Standing outside at 6 AM on a Sunday morning shouting "Let’s go to Cherry Beach!" and everyone actually does;
The first time you got a CD, and one for your friend, too;
Partying right through the SARS scare;
Partying right through the blackout;
Bumping into someone and having them apologize;

Happy Hullabaloo.

This made me tingle

Originally Posted by S2S
Can I take over?

You have a new baby. you need work.
make it as BIG as it was! you can do it! Have more confidence!
If you need help don't be affried to ask for it!

No dude.. Noone ccan make it like the frolic. It just wouldn't be the same.
I'm a little Acorn seed falling from the big oak tree. Everybody steps on me that is why I'm cracked you see. I'm a nut, I'm a nut, I'm a nut nut nut.

Purerave: Acorn143
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