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Old December 13th, 2004, 11:29 PM   #75
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If you were me, the stickers would have been under the shirts, 'cos I'm just that good.

My Hulla Adventure:

I stopped by the Opera House first to drop off my bag, and I found out I was MCing for Storm & Spinback with Gob & Bob. Then I went to Paradise to find Karstar, Darren, VioletBunny (her real name escapes me), Paul and Mandy (SURPRISE!?!?) They soon decided that the service at Paradise was too fast, so off to the Real Jerk we went. It took them 20 mins to take our drink order, another 10 mins to bring the drinks, so I ordered a second one when she brought the first, and it came 15 mins later. That place is laughable for service.

Just before 10 I hit the venue, in case I had to MC for Tyco vs. Psyklone. enD was already runnin' 'tings, so I commenced with the drinking. Finally met Lady Bass , and ran in to many many of the usual suspects in the bar area. Proceeded to get rather inebriated, and had all sorts of drunken adventures. Met AnDeeDee and Cwystal, Weaver and Weava, and God knows who else... Psyklone & Tyco were brilliant, mashing up all kinds of hardcore... I like to think they were dropping the '96 styles just for me. +The Lost Boys set was quite notable for it's creativity and variety. Definitely one of the best I've heard them spin in a long time. Frolic was laughing his ass off when Chrisky dropped Runaway, 'cos Saiyan had already played it in the opening set.

I wanted to MC for a bit of Ken Finch vs. Lady Bass, but I was too easily distracted, and by the time I made it from the bar to the stage, the set was over, and Spinback & Storm were about to begin. I think the set went pretty well. I wasn't quite at the top of my game, and I had a great deal of trouble hearing the music through the monitors, but hopefully I helped rather than hindered the set. Switched off regularly with Jumper and Gobstoppa, and I think Kwik was on there for a bit too. Pete and I got down in the crowd and went face to face for a while too, which was killer.

There are some blank spots in my night, but I talked Spinback in to dropping Babylon Time as the last track of his set. Afterwards Spinback told me he thought I was 'really fucking good'. High praise from my favourite UK DJ, and the long time partner of my idol, the one like MC Ruff. Spinback & Storm both signed a couple records for me too.

I recall something involving cake and Saiyans ass. Elixir and SOS were solid hard trance, and they dropped a remix of Hardcore Vibes, which made the set for me.

Frolic vs. Silver1 was everything I thought it would be. Some killer upfront choonage... I don't know which one of you dropped 'Through the Darkness', but I have one word for you... CHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON! Mr. Jumper was at his energetic best, though I'm still waiting for the f'ing teapot rhyme to make it's return.

Wolf vs. Tranzit was probably the best combined set we've ever done. The boys really outdid themselves on the decks, working all four to their fullest, cutting, scratching, mixing and playing off each other beautifully.... starting out upfront but still happy, then the last 15 minutes were absolute mayhem with Guardian Angel, See Me Climb, Wanting To Get High, Eyeopener and Shooting Star driving the place insane. They didn't even need me. I sure didn't want to leave, and neither did the crowd.

Post party festivities were minimal, with some chillin', some illin', and some nappin'.

Thanks so much to everyone who said such nice things to me after my sets (and sometimes even before!)... you guys totally rocked the venue. I hope everyone enjoyed what I brought to the table on that night, and I hope you like your CD's for those who got 'em.


Dirty Little Secrets

Hot + Dirty
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