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Old May 1st, 2005, 06:39 PM   #29
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oh man! sooo good...

sure the night started out kinda sketchy... getting lost, fiona falling asleep on the subway and that crazy guy talking to himself.
Then i had my spaz attack, while waiting for Jer. But then we did our thing and all was good. Getting tickets through will call is so much easier... Happy i got my ticker for the last one like that. Security wasn't that bad. I almost shit myself when i saw Andre the giant tho and then again when i went to the bathroom and used the same stall that shit happened in. that was okay though.
I saw Katy, Colin, Holly and some other that i knew but i was just to shy to say "hi" to, such as, Denise, Kates, Louie, Nick.
Sorry to everyone i was suppsed to meet at the pre-meet it just didn't happen. I didn't end up meeting like anyone from the board, i dunno why i was having a shy night.

Spice was fucking amazing! and so was Scott Brown! Oh my God!!! I don't think I've ever stomped so hard in my life! I loved it!
Marty McFly... What can i say? he fucking blew me away! it was awesome.

I think that all for now, not many pictures were taken but the ones i did take should be up soon!

~ Bon
Have another drink and drive yourself home.
I hope there's ice on all the roads.
And you can think of me when you forget your seatbelt,and again when your head goes through the windshield.
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