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Old June 2nd, 2005, 06:01 AM   #29
Join Date: Jun 2004
Hey there, Just got the email and thought I would respond.
First Hulla?

My first and only Hullabaloo was Funtopia 2004, the 7th birthday party.

What does Hulla mean to you?

It was the furthest I had ever travelled from the UK and the furthest I had ever travelled to get to a rave. Me and Davespice spent 5 days in Toronto and it was the definite highlight. Everybody, bar none was happy to see us and more than willing to show us around. Definitely something special.

What do you think Hulla means to the scene?

Its a given fact that it is the one rave with the most consistant parties. Maybe varying in size, but always there no matter what. I also think the steady stream of UK talent brought to the party speaks volumes about what the promoters are willing to do to keep the party fresh and innovative.

Your ultimate Hulla set/memory:

No particular set leaps to mind, although walking into the Opera House, not knowing what to expect, then hearing a Hardcore rip of Whigfield's "Saturday Night" being played out still makes me smile

Share a funny Hulla party anecdote:

It has to be me and Davespice being dragged to the front when the Friendship Crew were on stage. To this day it is the only rave I have ever been Care Bear Stared at

Your own space to add anything you want (shout outs, thoughts etc..):

Its a pity I cant make it over for the final party, I know it will be one to remember. I just couldnt get tickets that was the main problem. However I will be entering the draw on the offchance. If I do win we will be coming back again, you can bank on it.
Shouts to: all the Safe hulla crew, Covergirl, Kyra, Anabolic Frolic, Robin Frolic and of course, my partner in crime, Davespice.
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