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Old June 6th, 2005, 02:43 AM   #33
xtc-raver-xtc's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2005
Location: Toronto
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First Hulla?
The Anthems

What does Hulla mean to you?
To me, hulla is the party of all parties!! It was my first rave EVER!, and im glad that it was. Hulla is like a break from life and all the shit that comes with it. Its like a getaway where everyone can just party together and have a good time without having to worry about rude, obnoxious, or judgemental people.

What do you think hulla means to the scene?
I think hulla is a perfect example of what a rave should be. Hulla gives people a party that they can really look forward to, its not just any other regular party. It gives people in the scene a place that they can go to hang out with friends, or make new ones. Of all the parties I've been to, hulla by far has the best vibe and coolest people you'll ever find. At Hulla you were always guaranteed to find the best HHC djs around.

Your ultimate Hulla set/memory?
I have seen so many amazing sets at hulla, and to choose ust one is going to be hard. But I think I would have to say Scott Brown's set at Lost in Space was my favourite. The vibe thtoughout the entire Oprah house when Scott brown came on was just amazing.

Share a funny Hulla party anecdote
At Lost In Space, I was completely wasted, one thing I wont forget was when i continuously kept telling Ryan and Jasmine how wasted I was, I jus kept telling them over and over again! I probabaly told them the same thing about 20 times!!, I know i was starting to get annoying, but regardless of how annoying i was, they jus dealt with it and stayed by my side, (love you guys!!, you guys are the best!!)

Your own space to add anything you want (shout outs, thoughts etc.)
Well its sad that hulla finally has to come to an end, but as they say, all good things must. I am just glad that I have tons of memories (and pictures!) to remember it all for years and years to come. But overall, I'm truly grateful that I could be a part of the whole hulla family!!!

Thank you Chris and Robin for everything!!
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