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Old July 6th, 2005, 02:56 AM   #38
TaraBear's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 1999
Location: Scarboro
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First Hulla: Funtopia 1...'98(?)
Means To Me: Lots... Did lots of growing up...even tho that seems like an oxymoron
Means To Scene: Im shure the scene will/is suffer[ing] a great loss...but all good things must come to an end
Memories:TOOOO many...Going to NPS afterward and laying in the grass or playing on the subway grates... Bathroom in the Opera House.. The Bingo Hall... way to many!
Funny: The rando guy outside thats like "Whats PLUR?"..."Sorry What?...Wheres Bloor...straight down this street take a left...."

Meeting sooo many people.... so many good times... lost touch with so many...
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