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Old July 10th, 2005, 02:41 PM   #10
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I would first like to say that last night exceeded my expectations in all aspects, and I had really, really high expectations.

i've never seen someone fill the dance floor so quickly. The starting set is always important and seems to be a good sign of what you will find for the rest of the night. Your set brought some slow, some fast, some new, some old, something for EVERYONE, which is what it needed to be. Amazing set, can't wait for the recording.

An emotional set for me. You have always been one of my favorite hardcore DJs, and seeing you go out in a thunderous roar of applause and waves of hugs made me feel all fuzzy inside. Your set, incredible, as always. I can tell you really put alot of heart and feeling into this one, and i'm glad that you went out with a bang.

I like jungle/dn'b, i've never really danced to it, cause... well... i can't dance, but LAST NIGHT, was such killer choons that i HAD to get up on the dance floor and do my best! One fuck of a jungle set! Also, props to MCED for doing a great job on covering for JD.

fuck yeah!!!!!
bloody wicked set, im always impressed with your sets... i don't know what more to say.

Subsonic Chronic:
alot of nice old trance that i know and love. A perfect tribute set to days of old, smooth mixing, chilling to listen to, fun to dance to, I couldn't have been more pleased with a non-hardcore set. Excellent job.

Hulla Video Scrapbook:
well this isn't really a dj, but it was fun to see all pictures and videos from the past. I really wish i was around to have been to some of those huge hullas it showed, those looked wicked.

Anabolic Frolic:
your set reeked....

of cheese!
My mind is perplexed on how one set could be so good. It had EVERYTHING. Favorite set of the night, and maybe for the rest of my life. I admit by the end i was really really tired and had to sit back down, but i made it up for the last one... well two, i KNEW you weren't going to end with shooting star! It was such a good feeling to hear everyone shouting "one more track", and not stopping until you came on (and you said the party would end at 5 :P ). and when heart of gold hit (we all knew it would) as i looked out over the railing and all the ravers, the lights swirling in a coriographed tapestry of colour, guided by sound. Looking up at the giant sign "goodbye", as lasers soard through the air, singing with everyone, i almost cried... almost. It was definatly the most moving rave moment i've ever experienced.

Thank you frolic, thank you robin, thank you hulla ravers and EVERYONE else who has made hullabaloo possible in the past, thank you.
The cake is a lie.
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