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Old July 11th, 2005, 03:13 AM   #24
Sweetness and Light Mod
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where do i begin...i can't even try to write this write now, but i am goin to.....
everything about all good things was the epitome of every joy i had ever experienced at hulla in one evening....all hullas previous to AGT were amazing parties, and up until AGT hulla had the best vibe anywhere i've ever partied....AGT bestest bestest bestest most amazing muthafucking hardcore loving inspirational dance groovin whistle posse pumped noise crew friendship crew dj droppin dancin fools and all the good things in between!
chris, robin all associated in producing the event--your love of what you create is inspriational in soo many ways..thank you
all the amazing people i met and continued to met up until the other night, thank you for sharing one of the best life experiences a person could ever wish for
and to my boyfriend for having a great time and experiencing something you may have never known unless we met and wanting to share one of the most diversified and personal rave experiences with me is all i could ever ask for........hulla taught me soo many great things about being happy with who i was as a person. the confidence i gained from being around positive happy people who like to have fun and long for a place where they can be themselves was one of the best attributes of my hullabaloo experiences......
the music was great all night..i missed hujib and that sucked, but i am sure it was as awesome as everything else was that night...
the vibe of new hulla goers and old hulla goers was an awesome created a foundation that built up over and beyond anything you can imagine even after the party and into my sleepy head.....
the video montage, nothing will compare to the cheers when my picture (im now crying) was up there and people cheered...that meant soo much to me and i love you guys for loving me! that is what hulla will always mean to me, love. created out of our love for hardcore music and our love for people who understands what loving hardcore music is all about.
this is uber verbose, i hope i make sense in my exhausted state of mind and thank you again everyone for a night that will never ever ever be forgotten from beginning to end.
Definition of love:
the ability to allow those that you care for to be what they choose for themselves without any insistence that they satisfy you.
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