Thread: Reviews
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Old July 11th, 2005, 01:34 PM   #31
Join Date: Jul 2003
Location: Kenmore, NY
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My high point of the night....

Most of what I thought about the party has already been said as eloquent or more so than I would say, so I wont waste time....however, something on a slightly more personal note...

I had designated this Hulla as the unofficial end of my raving days. It all started back in 1999, when a friend of mine told me to buy Paul Oakenfold's Tranceport (my first exploration of electronic music), I completely got into it, and she hooked me up with some parties to go to that summer, and that was it...I was totally hooked for years to come. Well, there was one track on that CD that did it...that completely captured my imagination, and showed me that there was this whole new horizon of music yet to be was "Cafe Del Mar" by Energy 52. Subsonic Chronic spun it in his set on Saturday night...and just like that, for 5 minutes, it was 1999 again. All those feelings...of wide-eyed wonder, of giddy naivete, of knowing that there was so much more to life that I had yet to discover...all of them hitting me in one moment like it hasn't done for years. I couldn't dance...I could just stand there and be awed. It's been said plenty of times in this thread...but there is only one word to describe

I don't think there could be a single more appropriate way to end this hugely influential and important aspect of my come completely full circle and leave on the same high that I entered. It is only now that I realize what I found out in 1999...something that a lot of mourning Hullabaloo ravers should know....that when one part of your life ends, something as good or better is bound to follow.
Let me make the music of a nation and I care not who makes its laws - Plato
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