Thread: Reviews
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Old July 11th, 2005, 02:11 PM   #37
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Ok, so i guess it is time to do this. I have been home for less than 24 hours... i am having a hard time keeping myself together... we all talked about the end, and the last hulla... but it wasn't reality until i woke up this morning and turned on the computer to see the giant GOODBYE plastered up on hullaboard... i lost it when that was up on screen... and i'm loosing it all over again... this is crazy... i don't cry about stuff like this.. but i just can't help it...

the entire weekend was nothing short of amazing... the preparty was so much fun. chris's hypnosis show was hilarious... totally... and the 5 pin bowling was a trip. thanks robin for helpin me out... u are a peach...

as for saturday night... i can't even type what needs to be said. this truly defined the essence of raving for so many people. for me, it honestly was a religious experience... i have been raving steadily since 96 ... and a few prior to that... i started WAY too young... and was so naive... i grew up fast in a fast paced scene... and have loved every step... there has never been a party that can or ever will compare to the likes of what we all saw at AGT's...

The dj's rocked OUT!!!! everyones set was amazing... my 3 favorite were Silver1's , b/c his track selection rocks.. and well it being the retirement bit and all... mostly b/c he loves every minute of his set as much as we do... he totally gets down in it... Pete and Elixer did an amazing job... loved to hear that delicious whoopy phonic trance set... u guys did an awesome job... and surely was a highlight of my night... plus pete is SO hot w/ his shirt off!!!! yum... hehe and then of course the set that will go down in history... this better be released in a single format.... Chris.. your history of hullabaloo set is definately my favorite set of my life... nothing could have been better.... i am fucking crying again.. thinking about it... evoking this emotion in people is magic... and u have captured the power... WOW fucking WOW...

to all the friendly ravers that make my life happy... i love and miss all of u so much... there is a big list of people that need to be loved on...

Chris u know what u've done.. and i thank u

Robin is just too sweet to describe... as stated in the "robin frolic is jesus" thread... u have done so many little things to make hulla so much better for me.. and i love talkin to u ... hopefully we can catch up when i get up there this fall....

Tommy you also know what u've done for me... and helping me obtain the things u have is priceless... i will surely never forget u... or anything that u've done for me... u are an awesome guy... thank you!!!!

friendship crew.. esp MoonDancer (kris) 1st, i hope u love ur my little pony... cuz i love u ... u always made coming into hulla AWESOME... and thanks for makin sure i got a copy of Mikes new mix =) i love ya girl... u will be missed FOR SURE>....

all the hulla massive that makes coming to Tdot that much better... lets see if i can list everyone... Rob and Christine, Libbie and Bud, Dallas, Carrie, Heidi, Kristin ( the whole minneapolis massive ) Itsgiggle and Neverlandgurl, Jen and Janic and there cute canadian friend ( u guys made my weekend loved hangin out with u) hrm... i know there are alot more hulla kidz i am missing right now... but u all know who u are.. and i love u all so much... although we may never cross paths again.. u will be forever imbedded in my heart... and i love ya's... forever...

to the mc's... u have always added a special touch to hulla... making it that much better... ED u rock me... u are always so hyped and i love ya bro.. thanks for the hug on the way out... (both of us were sobbing LOL)
Gobbstoppa.. thanks for giving a shout out to my bf's sister for her birthday... that was her 1st party and 1st hulla... and her birthday... she had an amazing night... Kwik u are just HOTT... hehe but u know that.. and ur bit on the mic is great too! =) seeing Flippy mc at hulla is something i have been looking forward to ... and am happy it happened at the last hulla...

Wow.. this post is getting too long... i think that everything has been said that needs to be said... i know as hulla is over... and we all post our final thoughts... there will be less and less of us coming to this board... but remember kids as we all dwindle away... remember hullabaloo... and keep it dear in your hearts... this is something that will never happen again... in history or in our imagination... nothing could have been more perfect... life changing for sure... and i love and thank all of u ONE MORE TIME... for


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