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Old July 3rd, 2006, 07:36 PM   #19
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ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, oki dok. gotchya XD

ya know, once, at the beginning of winter, when i was leaving work, it was SO cold outside, that all the moisture in the air froze, and was just kind of hanging in the are. you couldnt see it, except for that for every lighted post in the parking lot, there were rather strong beams of light going up from every light fixture like that... and it seemed like individual beams of sunlight (well, not THAT bright, but enough to where you'd notice in a second, looking a lot like the disney lights there, but amber colored) coming down only from the sky in the middle of the night. and being in the north west end of grand rapids at my work, off in the distance, i could see other light beams going into the sky. and off in the east distance there was some set of lights, and it looked like the aurorea borealis without the colors, it was like a descending chime that was cut up and down, and it was so dreamy.....

um yeah, sorry for the spontaneous story, and it kinda has nothing to do with what i wanted to do at hulla but didnt... but id forgotten bout it until i saw these pictures of these sky trackers ^_^
can you say... dance? fok ya!
step step step step, rave rave rave rave, step sway rave step...

the uuk is dead... but long live the UUK Djs!
~Snoop e~ (now aka skitch)
~Captain Cheddar~
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