Thread: Reviews!!!
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Old November 12th, 2001, 03:48 PM   #29
BeBe's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 1999
Location: Up My Ass and Around the Corner
^^^^^ to you, my fellow twenty-something friend ^^^^

It's not about age, it's what you make of it.

There have always been hundreds of little e-tarded kids running around, that hasn't changed. You just aren't one of them anymore.

Music is still music, and if you like it, you'll have fun. If you're still in the era where you have to do drugs at a party (which I'm not saying you are, you didn't mention that), then it's no wonder you're starting to get sick of the scene. Going sober to a party and having more fun than you would if drugs were clouding your experience is the real test. With the exception of those parties which are just bad, you should be able to enjoy anything that way if you just put your heart into it.

Anyways, I'm not saying anything new. I just think there's a real art to keeping up your interest in something which is so dominated by people younger than you are. Which is not to say it shouldn't be that way. It's just nice to have a 19+ area we can retreat to when we start to feel like we're in high school again

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