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Old April 16th, 2000, 11:04 AM   #1
Klubmasta Will
Join Date: Jul 2000
Location: Centre of the Universe

thanks for a wicked night everybody back to bed for a couple hours then back to london i go pics will be up in the next couple days.


OMG. For those of you who didn't come or didn't stay until the end you missed something that in my opinion happens once every 100 years. Words cannot describe the feeling that was going through the room at 5:55 a.m. In all of my partying experience I've never an ovation of ear splitting proportions for the length of time it lasted. It was a feeling/experience that you can't put a price on and will probably never experience again. Hullabaloo, in it's darkest hour, brought together the most devoted partiers and gave them something they'll never forget.

Thank you Phil for "stepping up to the plate and knocking a home run out of the fucking park" (E By Gum).

Thank you Chris for turning around my evening with a simple smile and hug.

Thank you everyone else who with every ounce of enthusiasm gave me a party memory I'll never forget. Cheers all


Well, Tommy pretty much said what I had to say. It certainly won't be a memory I'll forget any time soon. I have never seen such a big response from a group of people that size, I was close to tears by the end.
Phil, thank you so much, you did us a huge favour and a great job in such a short time. We owe you one. Thank you Chris for what you have done for us, it's what brought us all together. Thank you everyone for such a great memory.


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Old April 16th, 2000, 11:48 AM   #2
Klubmasta Will
Join Date: Jul 2000
Location: Centre of the Universe


this party was definitely one for the record books. it has been a very long time since i have experienced such a fierce vibe.

vibes and livelee were unbelievable! perhaps the greatest happy hardcore performance that i have ever seen. livelee was like a ball of energy, bouncing all over the stage and whipping the crowd into a frenzy.

orange peel kicked EVERYONE'S ass! his hard pounding beats had the dancefloor going crazy. here's hoping he makes a return trip to toronto sometime soon.

in fact, ALL the sets were wicked. it's like all the dj's knew exactly how important this party was and they poured their hearts and souls into their sets.

and then there was frolic's set.

if this had, in fact, been the last hullabaloo, then i cannot imagine a better way for it to end ... with anabolic frolic playing one of the most memorable sets that i have ever witnessed. he ended off with all of the biggest anthems - the songs that make you sing at the top of your lungs and then dance possessed once the beats kick in.

then right before frolic's last track, e-by-gum handed over the microphone and frolic gave one of the most heartfelt speeches that i have ever seen. the place was dead silent as frolic spoke about the unfortunate events of the past 2 days and about how phil was so quick to jump in and help him out during his time of need. when he was finished, the crowd ERUPTED in gratitude. if the noise had been any louder, i think the roof would have caved in. frolic's last track was heart of gold - and out came frolic himself onto the dance floor. a huge circle formed as everyone joined arms and participated in a spontaneous group hug. it was not planned. i just kind of *happened*. and it was amazing. i looked over at phil and all he could do was smile in disbelief. it was a truly awe-inspiring moment.

it was like everyone there was feeling the same thing - a bond based on gratitude for what hullabaloo has meant to all of us.

massive props to phil from phryl and to michelle from funhouse in detroit. i have tremendous respect for you both and i am very honoured to have you as friends.

and a sincere thank you to all the true hullabaloo ravers - thank you for sticking by and supporting hullabaloo in it's darkest hour. you guys are the greatest party crowd in the world and you make me proud to be a part of this scene.

peace love unity respect,

Klubmasta Will

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Old April 16th, 2000, 12:05 PM   #3
baby phat
Join Date: Feb 2001

i met a hot asian stallion there .. something chang ?? SHIT !!

luv yall

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Old April 16th, 2000, 01:28 PM   #4
Join Date: Feb 2000
Location: Toronto, Canada

What can I say????????/

It was the GREATEST night EVER
The Music WOW
Thanx again ta Phil
and Klubmasta, anabolic frolic and everyone that made GROUP HUG soooooo GREAT
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Old April 16th, 2000, 02:12 PM   #5
anabolic frolic
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I have never been so proud as I was proud of everyone there last night. Thank you each and everyone who made it out to Group Hug. I want to especially thank those who made that party possible; Phil from Phryl and his partner Michelle from Detroit (and everyone else involved on his side), as well as Will and Tommy(silver1) who took care of a lot of the running around, picking up DJs and such. I want to add that everyone involved in the party did so for no other reason that to be there for a friend.

I don't have to tell you how shitty these last few days for me have been. Having cancelled the party, Phil had offered to do a little something with our UK talent since they were coming anyways, plane tickets bought and such, so within a couple of hours he made the neccessary arrangements to put it all together. What I couldn't do was involve Hullabaloo in anyway, which meant I couldn't promote it through our main page or infoline. Which made getting the word out difficult since no one really knew what the hell was going on (well, those not on our message board anyways). and to complicate things other 'replacement' parties sprouted up only confusing people on where to go. But our decision to not promote it normally was a wise move, since when the police cought wind of it they were furious. They thought I was trying to pull a fast one or something and simply move Hulla somewhere else. So to avoid risking having this party shut down just by my mere presence I was unable to attend till halfway through the night. I sat at home baby sitting the phone waiting for hourly updates from Phil. Finally things seemed calm enough that I could probably come without much notice.

When I arrived all I can say is that by that point I was physically, emotionally and mentally exhausted. But it did my heart a lot of good to see the smiles and everyone having a great time as soon as I entered the building. Right away when people spotted me I would get lots of hugs and support from everyone, which I needed.

I'm told that all DJs played great sets that night and I was pleasantly surprised to see my good friend Arthur (atro) tearing up the dancefloor . Poor Arthur gets stuck working my door at every Hulla, so this was one of the few times he was able to come out and enjoy himself at a party with our DJs.

When it was time for me to start my set my heart soared looking at the crowd and hearing everyones cries of support. It was quite the moment and emotions were running high. I played the best I could, beeing so exhausted and all, and dropped some older classics which everyone hasn't heard in a while to a roar of approval played a bit of new stuff, and then pulled Shooting Star and Eye Opener out of retirement for this special night . Finally when it was time for me to wrap it up e-by-gum gave me the microphone. I'm not good with the mic, but it was very touching to hear the crowd go from huge noise making to silence to hear what I had to say. and your cries and spontaneous cheers really mean so much to me. I had to fight back the tears looking out on such a beautiful site as yourselves just beaming back love and support at me. Thank you. You've given me a memory I will never ever forget. I couldn't think of a more suiting song to end my set with than Heart of Gold and came down into the crowd only to be approached by everyone, one hug after the next, words of support from everyone. Everyone singing and dancing, arms around each other, if there were ever a moment that would capture what Hullabaloo is all about, it was there and then.

I have no idea what the future holds for us, but like I promised last night, Hullabaloo will bounce back from this and we'll be stronger than ever. But until then, all of your support and kind words make getting by all that much easier.

If there's one thing I've learned through all this, it's that I've really learned who my friends are, and I will never forget each and every one of you that rallied behind me when things got tough. You can take pride knowing that I may not have had the strength to continue with Hullabaloo and that all our future accomlishments are only possible because of your support during this time. Thank you so much.

[This message has been edited by anabolic frolic (edited April 16, 2000).]
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Old April 16th, 2000, 02:27 PM   #6
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sounds like yew guys hadda good nite
sounds like yew guys needed a party like that, just friends an hangin out, i'm happie dat yew awl sound so laid back n happy
tz great that you could get together and have such a good time during such a hard time

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Old April 16th, 2000, 02:32 PM   #7
Join Date: Feb 2000
Location: Toronto, Canada


That was beutiful
ANabolic Frolic, U've made my life GREAT
I wanna thank U 4 keepin faith and takin RISKS, I will always be one ur side, ur a great person who is truly very blessed with the art of Music and courage, Ill always be be on ur side no matter what the POLICE or City Hall tries ta Pull

Keep the Faith all
Bad Nads
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Old April 16th, 2000, 02:38 PM   #8
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aaaaaah! wikked party! Love you Chris and Will!!! And Phil from Phryl, you are the absolute best! Thanks for making this possible! Are there gonna be any tapes available from last night? Please,pleasepleasepleaseplease!!!!!!!!!!
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Old April 16th, 2000, 02:43 PM   #9
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Well what can i say about this party that hasn't already been said? Klubmasta Will basically covered it all. The sets were amazing, the vibe was incredable, security was the freindliest bunch of guys and girls ive ever seen. I felt honored to witness the event that took place at the end of Frolic's set. Regardless of what the party was called, IT WAS HULLABALOO. Everything that we have come to love about hullabaloo was there last night. I have never felt so welcome, and like i belong'd like i did last night. However i have lost my voice after screaming out the words to Heart Of Gold while dancing on the stairs to the stage. hehe
But hey, it was worth it.
Thank you for such a memorable night.
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Old April 16th, 2000, 02:53 PM   #10
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All I have to say is WOW... I can't remember what the hour was, but I think it was sometime during Vinyltrixta's set, I saw Frolic had arrived, and was onstage... hugs went all around, the 'man of the hour' had come. I had heard that potential police problems would be keeping Frolic at home until the coast appeared clear, I don't know if the vibe kicked up a notch then (to use an Emeril-ism) but I know here and there people were pointing out to their friends or having it pointed out to them that Chris was *there*.

His set was well worth the wait. Its been described above, and he deserved every second of the whistles, shouting, applause, and all the love and respect the crowd could whip up before he went on...

Set was amazing... old and new, Frolic describes it better than I can... Holy smokeses...

And there was no way I was leaving until it was over. Yeah, 5:55 am, his just saying a few simple words from the heart, at least anytime we the crowd let the applause, shouts and whistles settle down... my God! And ever gracious, making sure that Phil got in the spotlight again, what a class act. (Thank you Phil! Thank you Funhouse!)

There was love in that room, everyone united for our scene, and massive respect for the people who busted their asses to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat at cost of time, money, and even potentially their liberty, if the police had such an ax to grind with Hullabaloo! and those aligning themselves with Frolic.

Then of course, Heart of Gold, and group hug earned its name Just little 'knots' of people spontaneously formed, then it became a giant circle hug on the dancefloor. Never seen anything like it. Maybe at the next Hulla (and I'm more confident than ever that these people have got the determination to fight the good fight) we'll see its likes again.

This event was simply the best.


PS - MC Livelee, bouncing around and doing that ass slapping routine a couple of times - classic Get him to Canada more often!!!
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Old April 16th, 2000, 04:28 PM   #11
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wow Chris, that really was touching. I wish I could have been there.

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Old April 16th, 2000, 04:32 PM   #12
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I want to go back. NOW. What a nice comfy night. I have never felt so good at a party, EVER. It's funny cuz I had a mad tummy ache and was in the fetal position for most of the night but STILL I kept smiling and STILL there were moments when I just HAD to get up and dance, damn tummy and all What a great night. A lot less people than I expected. I was positive this thing would sell out! But whatever. As far as vibes are concerned, this had the biggest bestest of 'em all! Thank you DEEPLY to all involved. When the going got tough you sure got yer shit together, and it's nice to see who's got their hearts in the right places. The politics of last night were fierce, but I think we ALL rose above them. So thank you. To everyone who was there. I was so glad to be a part of it

luvuall, Robin

PS Will, you are my good friend Thank you for making me feel so welcome.
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Old April 16th, 2000, 04:32 PM   #13
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oh, and I just want to say, I was listening to "a whiter shade of pale" by Procol Harum when I read this thread, and made it that much more touching!!!

*sigh* *S*


"I was feeling, kinda seasick, the crowd called out for more, the room was humming harder, as the ceiling flew away..."
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Old April 16th, 2000, 04:33 PM   #14
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shit that was the tightest vibe i've experienced in a long time.


i'm glad i went

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Old April 16th, 2000, 04:44 PM   #15
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FUK *&@%$*&
i always miss the best ones..
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Old April 16th, 2000, 05:30 PM   #16
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Definately a sick..sick vibe there towards the end..

Elixirs Set - AMAZING.. This guy has a new fan - WOW

Orangepeel - Please.. Somebody..get this guy back here SOON!

Dr. Trance had a set that was completely full of energy, he really knows how to put on a show. Always a pleasure to see him.

And of course Frolic... Nice to hear the anthems, i was definately surprised to hear Eyeopener - But a welcome surprise. Great little speech, you gotta love this guy.

Thanks Phil & crew for helping Chris out. Nice to see ya away from that techno stuff for a little bit I'd love to hear what you thought of the party.



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Old April 16th, 2000, 05:56 PM   #17
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OK. Let me just start off by putting out massive thanks to all of the people out there who made this whole thing happen! Chris, Phil I have so much respect for you guys and for what you are doing for Toronto's rave scene.

Secondly I would like to say that the people at this party brought with them the best possible vibe, and the best possible feeling to this event. The support that everyone at this event had for each other was just amazing! This was the best vibe I have ever felt at a rave! With all of the unfortunate things that happened regarding Hullabaloo this weekend, it is so very nice to see that so many people have come to realize what the party scene is all about, and that's UNITY.

I loved all of the people at this party, and I hope some of you remember me, I was wearing a blue shirt, and a white visor that said Digital BluE on it.

Well, till next time.
Support those who support you.

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Old April 16th, 2000, 06:11 PM   #18
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Last nite had to have been the best party!!!! The dj's were INCREDIBLE, the crowd,vibe AMAZING!!!
To are THE BEST!!! i finally got to meet you, hug you and have a picture taken with you...that truly made my nite
And to everyone else who made Group Hug happen...THANK YOU!
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Old April 16th, 2000, 06:28 PM   #19
Jessica Rabbit
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ahhhh I could have gone for free too!!
someone offered me a free vip pass!

I am so glad to hear it was awesome, I had my fingers crossed hoping it would be a success
It deserved to be great

Even tho I don't know Phil from Phryl, you deserve all the thanks in the world for coming through like you did

I wish I had gone

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Old April 16th, 2000, 06:33 PM   #20
Klubmasta Will
Join Date: Jul 2000
Location: Centre of the Universe

shit, i couldn't stop myself from crying when i read through all that. what a magical night. one that i will NEVER forget. i think i'm gonna go dust off my happy 2b hardcore vol. 1 and give "heart of gold" a whirl.

Klubmasta Will
(blubberin' like an idiot)

ps. robin, like it's been mentioned above, in our times of need we all realize who our friends are. you have given me so much support over the past week (for *everything*) and for that, i love you. thank you hun. *massive hug*
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Old April 16th, 2000, 07:18 PM   #21
Junglist MassiF
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Thumbs up

I just want to start things off by paying dues and mad respects to Phil for stepping in on the behalf of all of us. You brought us together when things were falling apart. Thank you
Chris, I just wanted to say that I have never been so uplifted and enlightened in my whole life. The whole night was great, awesome, fun, crazy, kickass, smiley but, there is no word that can describe what i felt last night. And your sET!!! Goash!! dude, that's all i can say. Amazingly, beautifully crafted music with all the right emotions and highs Truely heavenly Please tell me you guys got that on tape!!! PPPlllllllllllllleeeeeaaaasseee
The most memorable point of the night must have been that amazing group hug near the end. People were jumping, dancing with their arms around each other. Truely UNFORGETABLE
So, once again all you wonderful people. . . THANK YOU!

girls and boys, we'll see each other sooN!
take care

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Old April 16th, 2000, 07:23 PM   #22
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Everything's been said
What an amazing party. Each song in Frolics set gave me goosebumps, not from the music but from the combination of the emotions running through that place combined with the music.
All I can say
Thank you
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Old April 16th, 2000, 07:27 PM   #23
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wow! =*)
man, i can't beleive i almost didnt go to toronto yesterday. there would have been so many things i would have missed!!!
I mean, i had the most amazing time and i parties with strangers!! (not strangers anymore)
Hey dave an leslie! you two r wikked! *makes a pose with hands on hips*
Arronn and steve and dave you guys are great! partyin with all of you just made my weekend the best ever.
i'm listening to heart of gold right now and i've got so many pictures running through my mind of last night.

And you know what? A sign that this was a good party is that i fainted and couldnt walk when i came to because of all the hard dancing!!! never *EVER* thought i could dance that long and hard.

i don't like saying this cuz it sounds cheesy but "happy hulla everyone"


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Old April 16th, 2000, 07:36 PM   #24
Subsonic Chronic
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My ears are still ringing from the sounds of all the whistles at the end of chris's set. That was truly magical. I'll remember that experience for some time.

I can't even say much because it's already been said. Quite an emotional set.

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Old April 16th, 2000, 08:08 PM   #25
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PLEASE tell me there is gonna be mixtapes...?

I have to experience every Hulla through the mixtapes.

Does anybody know for sure if they are gonna have tapes of it out?
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