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Old June 20th, 1999, 09:51 PM   #16
Seal Bounce Champion! High Score:  
I had such a better time than the last hulla-i liked the security a lot better and the venue was fun.
It was kool to see Doz and Sheila again (if you guys are reading-a big shout out!), and I met so many amazing people.
ddubb-I loved your pants (Charmander! I took a pic )
Skittlz-thanks for singing. For some reason, it makes me so incredibly happy to see people singing to happy hardcore and really enjoying it. 'I Went To Hulla 2 Year'
It wuz fun to play with the bubbles at NPS-whoever was doing that with me this morning (bubbles and Five aLive).
Oh and thanks to the guy that we saw at McDonalds for telling us where 'sketchers corner' was
I hope everyone had a great time but if not, don't feel too down about it. I know how it feels 'cause last hullabaloo i did not enjoy myself. There's always your next party where you can make up for it and make it 20 times better!
-aSTro GiRL-