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Old June 29th, 1999, 04:32 PM   #44
Join Date: May 1999
Location: TO, Ont, Can

oKIE,..this is ma whole Day!!!

12am- i wake up and relize its HullabaloO 2-nite!!
1PM- i run down to fairview mall to pick up another tiara, since my other one broke since I tried to cram it in ma bag!!

3pm- Okie, *exhausted* now i am eatin lunch, and headin off to ma friends house to get dressed up fer hulla!!!

5pm- all dressed up and ready!! Okie, we hang' round tha house,and by SIX Thirty, we leave!!

7PM - we arrive at Mc donalds to meet all the ravers i promised i'd meet!!

8pm- okie, i meet most people, and we take tha ttc to get to bingO hall! Damn! i WISH everone wuz there, we had sOoo MUCH fun on tha buses and train~! It WUZ lotsa vuz , and we were rulin over tha buses and stuff!! WoOHoO! tHEN it wuz 1/2 an hour walk to Bingo Hall, so it wuz like this, 20 ravers, walkin in a quiet nieghbourhoOd bloowin our whistles and runnin round, also when we got on tha main sidewalks, mo' PhUNnNn!~!~

10:30- We arrive tew BingOo HALL, and wait in line fer 5 min at the most!! =) !hHhEeEhHe!
wELL theres ma HULLABALOO expiriece, but it couldn't of bEeN Poosible without:

`Princess Happi Babi
`Yonder Boy
`happy meow
`Pez head
`tweeter bug
SoRrY to EVERYone i fergot! =( TEW many to reMemBer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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