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Old December 5th, 1999, 12:08 PM   #5
Join Date: Nov 1999
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what an interesting nite,
although i only stayed until 2 am (which was good because i was soo tired, and i have skating today so yah) i had a really good time, except for the constant screamin' in the chill our tent arg "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!"
omg that was just really anoying,
and that big guy in the chill out tent wiff the yellow tube top on *shivers* NO MY VIRGIN EYES! *hides be hind mr christie*

but ya,
it was too funnie, the whole time everyone is like "wheres the net meet?" and i mean, honestly the whole thing for me was a net meet, the boarders seemed to migrate around together, first we were on the dance floor, then we were by the numb both getting pics takin' by will (thanks so much hun!) and then we were all in the chill out room (and iono after that coz i went home)...
you do realize that we are all a bunch of stuck up elitists don't you?
boarder "are you on the boards?"
raver "no..."
boarder "pfft, well, okay then... bye..."

its so true, there's so much more to talk about when you meet someone from the boards then when you don't!!!

much respect and thanks to those peeps who helped me celebrate ma birthday party, you know i love you guyz:
raveen, cuggy, cap't fnord, cheer bear, sawa, sean, andy, kevin, adam, mr christie, glosticker, rowan, chris(thanks fer letting me in!!!), jory, basic, frodo, warlock, etc etc...
ugh there's soo many, you guyz are wikid!

Tamarra~JediCrew Prod.

and thanks again to the man, chris!
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