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Old July 6th, 2003, 08:10 PM   #1
anabolic frolic
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Thanks for 6 wonderful years.

Thanks everyone for making our 6 year anniversary worthy of that distinction. The night had everything that makes Hulla what it is. It's such an awesome thing to think that after as many shows as we've had and after all these years, the Hulla vibe still is as strong as ever, and new people and old can all come together and make Hulla what it is.

I wouldn't be continuing throwing these parties if it wasn't for the support of everyone there and I had as much of an afterglow when going home as any of you. The sun was shining and it was a beautiful morning after a wonderful night.

Since it is our anniversary I do want to send some thank-you's to everyone that makes Hulla what it is...

First to my lovely wife Robin, I couldn't do it without you.

To Kristine, Michelle, Dana, Janine (see I still remember your names! ) and the rest of the Friendship Crew who are the unsung heroes of Hulla. They spend weeks prepping for the party, making their costumes, decorations (including the fabulous HullaBook) and arrive to the venue early in the day to help set up, blow up balloons, cut whistles, and on and on. They do this purely for their love of Hulla and don't get paid a cent. They are a huge part of the Hulla experience and while I may get all the props they are integral to each party. All your hardwork is much appreciated!!!

To all the DJs and MCs who play for us, not just last night but at every Hulla up to it. The music is the driving force of the parties, and every person who's performed on our stage, no matter how big a name they are, always bring something special to each Hulla gig.

I once again have to thank the Opera House for their continued support. I've said this many times, but after all the crap and dodgy venues I've dealt with over the years I don't think we'd be in business anymore if I didn't have such a great venue to work with. Even when things don't run as smoothly as we would like, they bust their butts to make it right and I can enjoy my own parties now since I know everything is under control.

Last but not least - You, my beloved Hulla-Ravers. I truly do have the best job in the world and it's an awesome thing to be on the receiving end of all your love and support. As long as you are there for me, I'll be there for you.

I hope everyone has a wonderful summer, and pencil in on your calenders September 20th, which will be our next event.

Keep Smiling!

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