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Old July 8th, 2003, 04:00 PM   #21
Mrs Frolic
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Join Date: Jul 1999
Location: Toronto
Alcohol is a drug as well. Being legal doesn't make it any better than anything else.

I didn't disagree that you can get high w/o injuring yourself (although the risk is always there). I do take issue with your statement that other people's business is their own business. It would be if their actions only affected themselves. But they don't; as I said, if someone OD's, many people are affected. They have a responsibility to be as safe as possible while doing ANYTHING that could affect other people, whether that's driving or taking substances or anything else.

Overdoses nearly destroyed our scene here in Toronto. Families were devastated, friends lost people they cared about, and on a wider level, thousands of people missed out on the experience of raving and dozens of people lost their livelihoods. All of this came about because a few people decided it was okay to be irresponsible in their drug use. Their actions affected thousands of other people. It isn't just "their own business".

And just as a suggestion, if people think you're an asshole and an idiot when you're sober, maybe you should take a close look at what you're doing that would make people think you're high.
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